Selasa, November 03, 2009
Weather Service
"Will the winter be bad?" he asks.
"Looks like it" is the answer.
So the chief tells his people to gather more firewood. A week later, he calls again.
"Are you positive the winter will be very cold?"
The chief tells his people to gather even more firewood, then calls the Weather Service again: "Are you sure?"
"I'm telling you, it's going to be the coldest winter on record."
"How do you know?"
"Because the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy!"
(jokes from Mexico - copied from Readers Digest)
1) We never know, actually we are the one that people see and follow. The Trend Setter, sometimes look for other trends to set another trends.. See, no original is real original. Ironic huh?
2) Setting for changes without learning from the ancestors sometimes looks cool; but many times looks silly as well. heh..
Ahad, November 01, 2009
Terma dan maknanya
(Diriwayatkan oleh bukhari dan muslim)
Kasih Allah
Orang yang baik
- Dr. HM Tuah Iskandar al-Haj
Kebesaran Penciptanya
Menyampaikan Ilmu adalah ibadah,
Mengulang ngulang Ilmu adalah zikir,
Mencari Ilmu adalah jihad..
Imam Al Ghazali
(Saidina Ali Abi Talib)
Menilai diri
Perbuatan baik
Tidur dan mati
Pemimpin Munafik, pengikut Fasik
"Dan apabila engkau melihat mereka, engkau tertarik hati kepada tubuh badan mereka (dan kelalukannya); dan apabila mereka berkata-kata, engkau juga (tertarik hati) mendengar tutur katanya (kerana manis dan fasih)...." Al-Munafikun:4
Malangnya kita sendiri terlalu pantas mulutnya berbanding perbuatan dan lebih malang lagi kita tidak bersungguh-sungguh mengislahkan diri. Kelak Allah akan menyoal kita seperti firmannya:
"Wahai orang beriman, kenapa tidak kamu perbuat apa yang kamu katakan? Sungguh besar kemurkaan Allah kepada mereka yang berkata tetapi tidak beramal dengannya." As-Shaff: 2
Kita merasakan amaran Allah didalam Al-Quran hanyalah terkena pada orang lain dan bukan diri kita. Beria-ia merancang program untuk masyarakat, tetapi diri sendiri bagaimana? Segala salah orang kita perhati tetapi salah sendiri tidak pernah disedari. Jadilah seperti pepatah dahulu:
"kuman seberang laut kita nampak, Gajah depan mata kita tak perasan"
Memilih pemimpin mesti yang amanah. Bukan yang bersikap talam 2 muka, dihadapan orang kelihatan taat, bila bersendiri membelakangkan Allah dengan biadap.
"(Perbuatan buruk) yang demikian kerana mereka mengaku beriman (di hadapan orang-orang Islam) kemudian mereka tetap kafir sesama sendiri, maka dengan sebab itu dimeteraikan atas hati mereka; lalu mereka tidak dapat memahami (yang mana benar dan yang mana salah)." Al-Munafikun: 3
Amanah pemimpin ialah menjadi Uswah kepada pengikutnya. Kajian menunjukkan, hanya 20% nasihat yang dituturkan oleh pemimpin memberi kesan kepada kepada pengikutnya. Baki 80% lagi adalah melalui perbuatan pemimpin tersebut.
Rasullullah sebagai ketua umat Islam merupakan contoh kepada umatnya. Kerana itu terbentuk generasi sahabat yang paling hebat pada zaman baginda.
“Sesungguhnya pada (diri) Rasulullah itu adalah teladan yang baik bagimu, (yakni) bagi orang yang mengharap (Rahmat) Allah dan (keselamatan) di hari akhirat dan yang banyak mengingati Allah.” Al-Ahzab: 21
Kalau kita benar-benar ingin melihat Islam tinggi, tidak ada pilihan, kita mesti berubah. Jika pemimpin tidak boleh menjadi contoh, pengikut akan hanyut dan merasakan perbuatan pemimpin yang serba lalai itu sebagai tidak salah. Berterusanlah mereka menjadi orang yang fasik (berterusan berbuat dosa) kerana beramal mengikut penilaian mereka terhadap pemimpin.
Untuk senior dan pimpinan, jadilah contoh. Saya lalai dan pasrah dgn kefasikan diri. Mohon jangan berlakon lagi. Pilihlah pemimpin yang takutkan Allah.
Ahad, Oktober 25, 2009
1) sinisnya... sinikal untuk umat...
2) lawak lama... tapi, still relevan...
Khamis, Oktober 22, 2009
Setarbak Kopi
Lessons from geese
1) I got this presentation quite some time a go. It has great lessons and great reflections to us. yes, All of us!
Selasa, Oktober 20, 2009
Berperanan dalam kepelbagaian
Jumaat, Oktober 16, 2009
Cuepacs dan bonus
Cuepacs demands two month bonus for civil servants
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 – The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Service (Cuepacs) has decided to demand for two months bonus for the 1.2 million civil servants.
Cuepacs president Omar Osman asked Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to consider this matter when tabling the 2010 budget on Oct 23.
This decision was reached at a Cuepacs Congress meeting attended by about 120 of its members today.
Omar said Cuepacs had received complaints following the government’s announcement last month that aid amounting to RM500 would be given only to members of the support group, and not all government employees.
“We hope civil servants will get good news when the new budget is tabled,” he told reporters after a Hari Raya function organised by Cuepacs at the Puspanita Building in Jalan Hose, here. – Bernama
1) One of the main agenda of be in CUEPACS is to fight for Bonus, every year. It happen to be 'a must' unwritten responsible from the body. Since it is the main body for 1.2 millions members all over Malaysia, either it sounds illogical, or harsh, it still going to make the 1.2 millions people hoping for it to be a reality...a hope than can fade away in no time... well, hope is good, rather than losing it...
2) As a body of welfare and the proper channel for workers to speak up, use and support them is a huge step. At least, they are doing something for the rest... the rest, is just 'rest'...
Khamis, Oktober 15, 2009
cikgu oh cikgu...
School supervisor freed when prosecution fail prima facie test
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — An officer at the Seremban district education office was acquitted and discharged without his defence being called by the Seremban Sessions Court today on three counts of corruption.
V.Selvam, 55, a primary school senior supervisor, was alleged to have deceived the Negeri Sembilan Education Department by submitting two false claims on food and beverages for three school activities on Sept 14, 2004.
He was alleged to have used documents on government orders and invoices from a canteen operator to submit claims for RM4,900.
The claims were for food and beverages supplied at three courses for teachers, namely “kursus profesionalisma guru penolong kanan 1 dan guru HEM Sekolah Rendah Daerah Seremban”, “kursus profesionalisma guru-guru Panitia sekolah” at the same school and “kursus profesionalisma Kelimuan GPK 1”, all of which, were alleged, did not exist.
Judge Kamarudin Kamsun ruled that the prosecution failed to prove a prima facie case against Selvam because the canteen operator testified that the food and beverages were provided at the three school activities.
Based on the testimony by the canteen operator, there was no element of false claims by Selvam, he added.
Selvam was represented by lawyers Haresh Mahadevan and Ramzani Idris, while deputy public prosecutor Nasrul Nizam prosecuted. — Bernama
1) The teacher, Mr Selvam did defend himself by having strong testimony from the canteen operator... So, what happen was just misundertanding? One thing for sure... His name and his credibility as senior teacher has strongly been turnished.