1) Pendekatan terbaik untuk menyelami satu sama lain adalah meluahkan dengan kata-kata. Setiap perkataan, pertuturan disulami dengan budi bicara dan berbekalkan rasionaliti akan menjadikan setiap hujahan difahami dan dirasai oleh semua pihak. Sudah tentu, faktor emosi harus diminimumkan kalau tidak mampu ditiadakan. Yang malangnya, ramai dari kita menganggap menjaga rahsia dan mendiamkan satu-satu isu dapat menjaga hubungan dengan lebih baik, dan menganggap, masalah akan selesai dengan sendirinya, lambat-laun.
2) Isunya adalah untuk memahami sesuatu tindakan, haruslah dengan kefahaman dan niat yang jelas. Selain itu, kaedahnya juga harus bersistematik dan berteraskan kepada satu-satu modul yang dirangka khusus untuk tindakan tersebut. Apa lagi kalau tindakan itu bersifat jangka panjang. Jika tidak disiapkan dengan kelengkapan ini, maka, akan berlakulah keciciran dan ketidak-setiaan atau keletihan di tengah-tengah perjuangan. Yang lebih membimbangkan, sasaran hala tuju yang semakin tidak jelas dan akhirnya, hanyut dibuai badai dan terus sesat entah ke mana. Ada lagi yang lebih teruk? apabila Tidak tahu pun, sebenarnya, diri sudah hanyut dan sesat dengan haluan yang sebarangan.
3) Hari-hari kita diajar untuk memperbaharui niat dan syahadah. Paling kurang, 5 kali sehari dalam modul Solat. Ia merupakan perkara Wajib dalam rukun Islam. Kepentingannya diletakkan pada yang kedua selepas mengucapkan Syahadah; yang lebih ketara, WAJIB untuk menunaikannya walau dalam keadaan apa sekalipun, waima sudah mati! Hubungan dengan Tuhan harus jelas sepanjang hidup kita, supaya kita faham hakikat sebab musabab kenapa kita dihidupkan? dari mana kita datang? hendak ke mana kita akhirnya? dan siapakah kita? Nescaya, inilah modul khusus dari Allah, diajar Nabi kepada kita untuk memahami diri dan menjaga hubungan dengan Allah SWT.
4) Ambil modul yang sama yang dituntut dalam solat kepada kehidupan kita. Sama ada dalam kehidupan peribadi, kehidupan sosial, dan kehidupan kerjaya. Perbaharui niat dan komitmen. Pilih sikap Mahmudah dalam kehidupan ini untuk menjaga hubungan sesama manusia. Komitmen yang kita galas, kita kaitkan dan pastinya kita akan berjumpa dengan Pencipta yang maha Esa. Berhati-hati dalam berbicara. Berbicara pula dengan jujur dan ikhlas. Luahkan dengan hati yang tulus dan suci, dan lebih penting, penuh beradab dan disisipi dengan doa dalam setiap perlakuan kita. Juga ada tertib dalam mengharungi satu tindakan. Persis Solat.
5) Kadang-kadang, dalam tindakan, harus juga kita merendah diri, melihat dan mengucap salam kepada mereka yang berada di kiri dan kanan sebagai teman muhasabah dan penasihat kita. Walau dalam keadaan apa sekalipun, hanya jiwa yang tenang, berserta memahami setiap patah perkataan, dan mengawal setiap laku perbuatan kita, akan menjadikan kita 'Khusyuk' dalam mencari redha Illahi. Di sinilah benteng pertahanan diri dibina dengan mengabaikan kata-kata pujuk rayu, nista, cela, umpat, keji, hina, di luar sana. Dan akhirnya, kita akan berdoa dan bertawakkal untuk diri kita, dan semua umat semua di luar sana sampai kita mati.
Sesungguhnya, rasa manis itu hanya akan dapat dirasai bagi yang khusyuk.
Sebagai Ahli jemaah,
Barulah kita tanya diri semula, 'Khusyuk' kah amalan kita setakat ini? selama ini?
Rabu, Januari 13, 2010
Isnin, Januari 11, 2010
Faith in the job
Faith in the job
Religion plays an important role in society, but religious teachers do more than teach people to pray.
USTAZ Hasrizal Abdul Jamil’s family was not amused when he spurned a scholarship in economics to pursue theology.
“Choosing to do Islamic Studies while having excellent academic results was not seen as a sensible option,” says the 35-year-old.
“My idea was to overcome the stigma, because it’s not right that this field is seen as a last resort.”
After completing his degree in Sharia and Islamic Studies at the Mu’tah University in Jordan, Hasrizal made another radical decision. He wanted to venture further abroad.
Hasrizal in Tokyo, Japan, conducting a course on Islamic Studies for Malaysian students. His job has taken him all over the world.
“My experiences in Islamic school and university were monotonous in a sense, and not reflective of the varied society in Malaysia,” he says.
He explains that he wanted to understand people as much as he understood religious texts.
This quest took him to various locales. He was the first religious minister at the Belfast Islamic Centre of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
He also conducted research at the Research Centre for Islamic Art, History and Culture in Istanbul, Turkey.
Although his visits abroad are not as frequent nowadays, Hasrizal is still reaching out to people.
Between conducting motivational camps, giving talks on religion and faithfully updating his blog, the youthful ustaz (Islamic scholar) is in a constant buzz of activity.
The most striking thing about Hasrizal however, is that under his cheerful smile and easy-going persona, lies a steely commitment to his beliefs.
As he writes on his blog: “Some might find my posts controversial, but I’m not interested in being popular. I’d rather be accurate in interpreting my faith.”
My job involves ...
... offering people spiritual and moral guidance.
This includes encouraging people to live according to their faith’s teachings, explaining the meanings of religious scriptures, and conducting religious ceremonies.
However, being an ustaz is not as clear cut as simply teaching people how to pray.
It is about how you apply yourself in accordance with your faith’s teachings.
In my case, I found that being attached to a religious institution did not fit with my idea of being a leader.
Thus, I chose to carry out training and motivational activities to encourage people to adopt Islamic values in their everyday lives.
My morning starts with ...
... prayers, and then on to chores and studying.
When I was working in Ireland, I would be preparing sermons, leading prayers and welcoming visitors to the mosque.
I also found myself organising dialogue sessions with the community so that they could learn more about Islam.
I do much of the same these days, except that I am not limited to one particular centre or mosque.
To qualify, you need ...
... to have a strong belief in your faith.
In Malaysia, the typical perception of an imam (Islamic cleric) is that he is a trusted figure, who has a sound knowledge of religion as compared to the rest of his congregation.
Increasingly, the common practice these days is that the person should also hold a degree in any field related to Islamic Studies, and have good Quranic recitation and memorisation skills.
The best person for the job ...
... is someone who has a burning desire to give of himself and his knowledge, and is interested in humanity.
You need to have good communication skills and be prepared to work with all levels of society. It helps if you can converse in more than one language.
On a personal note, I will add that you must be free of intolerance and aggressiveness.
I love my job because ...
... I get to empower people with knowledge. Religion is meant to be the ultimate definition of how we can connect to God and other beings.
I enjoy helping people work out their questions about God and find meaning in their lives.
I have the opportunity to meet all types of people through my profession, and this shapes my own empathy towards others. It serves to keep me grounded and balanced between being idealistic and realistic.
Also, the process of teaching helps me to continuously develop my own knowledge and skills. The more you want to give, the more you need to have.
What I dislike most ...
... is dealing with the stigma of being a religious leader.
Many assume that my only concern is the afterlife, when I am more interested in improving people’s worldly lives based on values derived from religious thought.
This may be a personal grouse, but dealing with unnecessary bureaucracy imposed by religious authorities can be disheartening.
Prospects for the future ...
... are optimistic, if the role of a religious leader is properly defined in society.
Based on the wide roles played by Islamic centres all over the world, there is a significant need for officers to deal with religious rituals, charity, education, coaching, administration and counselling.
Being one in the Malaysian paradigm can be limiting in a sense, but it will definitely be a staple job.
Religion has always been a mainstay of civilised societies, as it is a source of identity.
A millionaire by 30?
Almost impossible. It may sound cliche, but financial gain is definitely not a motivation to be in this position.
While the salary may be moderate, one can earn extra income through other channels, such as having a business or producing books and CDs of lectures.
But then, you will have to deal with criticism, as the popular perception is that spiritual leaders should not be out to make money.
Religion plays an important role in society, but religious teachers do more than teach people to pray.
USTAZ Hasrizal Abdul Jamil’s family was not amused when he spurned a scholarship in economics to pursue theology.
“Choosing to do Islamic Studies while having excellent academic results was not seen as a sensible option,” says the 35-year-old.
“My idea was to overcome the stigma, because it’s not right that this field is seen as a last resort.”
After completing his degree in Sharia and Islamic Studies at the Mu’tah University in Jordan, Hasrizal made another radical decision. He wanted to venture further abroad.
Hasrizal in Tokyo, Japan, conducting a course on Islamic Studies for Malaysian students. His job has taken him all over the world.
“My experiences in Islamic school and university were monotonous in a sense, and not reflective of the varied society in Malaysia,” he says.
He explains that he wanted to understand people as much as he understood religious texts.
This quest took him to various locales. He was the first religious minister at the Belfast Islamic Centre of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
He also conducted research at the Research Centre for Islamic Art, History and Culture in Istanbul, Turkey.
Although his visits abroad are not as frequent nowadays, Hasrizal is still reaching out to people.
Between conducting motivational camps, giving talks on religion and faithfully updating his blog, the youthful ustaz (Islamic scholar) is in a constant buzz of activity.
The most striking thing about Hasrizal however, is that under his cheerful smile and easy-going persona, lies a steely commitment to his beliefs.
As he writes on his blog: “Some might find my posts controversial, but I’m not interested in being popular. I’d rather be accurate in interpreting my faith.”
My job involves ...
... offering people spiritual and moral guidance.
This includes encouraging people to live according to their faith’s teachings, explaining the meanings of religious scriptures, and conducting religious ceremonies.
However, being an ustaz is not as clear cut as simply teaching people how to pray.
It is about how you apply yourself in accordance with your faith’s teachings.
In my case, I found that being attached to a religious institution did not fit with my idea of being a leader.
Thus, I chose to carry out training and motivational activities to encourage people to adopt Islamic values in their everyday lives.
My morning starts with ...
... prayers, and then on to chores and studying.
When I was working in Ireland, I would be preparing sermons, leading prayers and welcoming visitors to the mosque.
I also found myself organising dialogue sessions with the community so that they could learn more about Islam.
I do much of the same these days, except that I am not limited to one particular centre or mosque.
To qualify, you need ...
... to have a strong belief in your faith.
In Malaysia, the typical perception of an imam (Islamic cleric) is that he is a trusted figure, who has a sound knowledge of religion as compared to the rest of his congregation.
Increasingly, the common practice these days is that the person should also hold a degree in any field related to Islamic Studies, and have good Quranic recitation and memorisation skills.
The best person for the job ...
... is someone who has a burning desire to give of himself and his knowledge, and is interested in humanity.
You need to have good communication skills and be prepared to work with all levels of society. It helps if you can converse in more than one language.
On a personal note, I will add that you must be free of intolerance and aggressiveness.
I love my job because ...
... I get to empower people with knowledge. Religion is meant to be the ultimate definition of how we can connect to God and other beings.
I enjoy helping people work out their questions about God and find meaning in their lives.
I have the opportunity to meet all types of people through my profession, and this shapes my own empathy towards others. It serves to keep me grounded and balanced between being idealistic and realistic.
Also, the process of teaching helps me to continuously develop my own knowledge and skills. The more you want to give, the more you need to have.
What I dislike most ...
... is dealing with the stigma of being a religious leader.
Many assume that my only concern is the afterlife, when I am more interested in improving people’s worldly lives based on values derived from religious thought.
This may be a personal grouse, but dealing with unnecessary bureaucracy imposed by religious authorities can be disheartening.
Prospects for the future ...
... are optimistic, if the role of a religious leader is properly defined in society.
Based on the wide roles played by Islamic centres all over the world, there is a significant need for officers to deal with religious rituals, charity, education, coaching, administration and counselling.
Being one in the Malaysian paradigm can be limiting in a sense, but it will definitely be a staple job.
Religion has always been a mainstay of civilised societies, as it is a source of identity.
A millionaire by 30?
Almost impossible. It may sound cliche, but financial gain is definitely not a motivation to be in this position.
While the salary may be moderate, one can earn extra income through other channels, such as having a business or producing books and CDs of lectures.
But then, you will have to deal with criticism, as the popular perception is that spiritual leaders should not be out to make money.
Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu
hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari
kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia
Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu
hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari
kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia
Jumaat, Januari 08, 2010
AJL 24
Berikut adalah senarai lagu dan artis yang bakal bersaing di pentas AJL24 mengikut giliran persembahan:
1. Aurora (Komposer/Penulis Lirik/ Penyanyi: Estranged)
---**; unik, segar; tapi macam pernah dengar.
2. Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang (Komposer: Ajai/ Penulis Lirik: Habsah Hassan/ Penyanyi: Alyah)
---**; sedap di dengar; cuma kurang seninya.
3. Cinta Adam & Hawa (Komposer: Azmeer/ Penulis Lirik: Loloq/ Penyanyi: Misha Omar)
---**; unik, segar, dan susah dibawa, kekuatan penyanyi mainkan peranan. Lirik sangat halus dan penuh dramatik.
4. Masih Jelas (Komposer: Aidit Alfian/ Penulis Lirik: Ad Samad/ Penyanyi: Hafiz)
---**; sedap di dengar; masih tiada perubahan rentak dan irama terlalu ringkas; kurang halus liriknya.
5. Situasi (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Sam/ Penyanyi: Bunkface)
---**; cergas, unik, dan sedap di dengar; gegarannya kuat; senikata berseni dan topik menarik.
6. Pakai Buang (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Edry/ Penyanyi: Stacy)
---**; cergas, unik, dan menampilkan topik menarik. Gaya lirik agak janggal.
7. Pergi (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Pete Teo/ Penyanyi: Aizat)
---**; unik, halus, seni dan sangat mengusik jiwa; cuma, terlalu monoqnos.
8. Aku Skandal (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Noh/ Penyanyi: Hujan)
---**; unik, cergas, tapi mendatar; macam pernah dengar.
9. Bencinta (Komposer: Audi Mok/ Penulis Lirik/ Penyanyi: Faizal Tahir)
---**; unik, segar namun bergantung penuh pada penyanyi; sangat sukar dibawa dan diikuti;
10. Aku Rindu Sayang Kamu (Komposer/ Penulis Lirik: Yuzai/ Penyanyi: Black)
---**; (i thought) langsung tak layak masuk final. bergantung pada penyanyi, klise
11. Bengang (Komposer: Amir/ Penulis Lirik: Sheikh Qalam/ Penyanyi: Akim)
---**;sedap di dengar; kurang halus seni katanya; topik biasa.
12. Dan Sebenarnya (Komposer/ Penulis Lirik: Yuna, Paan, Efry, Adil/ Penyanyi: Yuna)
---**; unik, segar, dan sangat mengusik jiwa; Variasi utama setakat ini. bergantung sangat kuat pada penyanyi dan persembahan.
13. Kau Aku (Komposer/ Penulis Lirik/ Penyanyi: Aizat)
---**; unik, segar, sedap di dengar. Halus seni katanya.
14. Rindu Terhenti (Komposer: Aubrey Suwito/ Penulis Lirik: Tinta/ Penyanyi: Tomok)
---**; unik, segar, dan popular, masih macam pernah di dengar.
Komen di atas adalah daripada seorang yang hanya telinga Radio oriented; yang tiada pengetahuan ilmu muzik. Sekadar memberi ulasan berasaskan ketenangan dan kesenangan di hati apabila mendengar dan menghayati seni katanya...
Yang di hitamkan di atas adalah pilihan saya!
Harus diingat; ini adalah pertandingan lagu;
Pada pemerhatian saya, Yang mencetus, memperbaharui serta menyegarkan kesenian dan variasi industri muzik semasa akan diangkat sebagai juara.
1. Aurora (Komposer/Penulis Lirik/ Penyanyi: Estranged)
---**; unik, segar; tapi macam pernah dengar.
2. Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang (Komposer: Ajai/ Penulis Lirik: Habsah Hassan/ Penyanyi: Alyah)
---**; sedap di dengar; cuma kurang seninya.
3. Cinta Adam & Hawa (Komposer: Azmeer/ Penulis Lirik: Loloq/ Penyanyi: Misha Omar)
---**; unik, segar, dan susah dibawa, kekuatan penyanyi mainkan peranan. Lirik sangat halus dan penuh dramatik.
4. Masih Jelas (Komposer: Aidit Alfian/ Penulis Lirik: Ad Samad/ Penyanyi: Hafiz)
---**; sedap di dengar; masih tiada perubahan rentak dan irama terlalu ringkas; kurang halus liriknya.
5. Situasi (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Sam/ Penyanyi: Bunkface)
---**; cergas, unik, dan sedap di dengar; gegarannya kuat; senikata berseni dan topik menarik.
6. Pakai Buang (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Edry/ Penyanyi: Stacy)
---**; cergas, unik, dan menampilkan topik menarik. Gaya lirik agak janggal.
7. Pergi (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Pete Teo/ Penyanyi: Aizat)
---**; unik, halus, seni dan sangat mengusik jiwa; cuma, terlalu monoqnos.
8. Aku Skandal (Komposer/Penulis Lirik: Noh/ Penyanyi: Hujan)
---**; unik, cergas, tapi mendatar; macam pernah dengar.
9. Bencinta (Komposer: Audi Mok/ Penulis Lirik/ Penyanyi: Faizal Tahir)
---**; unik, segar namun bergantung penuh pada penyanyi; sangat sukar dibawa dan diikuti;
10. Aku Rindu Sayang Kamu (Komposer/ Penulis Lirik: Yuzai/ Penyanyi: Black)
---**; (i thought) langsung tak layak masuk final. bergantung pada penyanyi, klise
11. Bengang (Komposer: Amir/ Penulis Lirik: Sheikh Qalam/ Penyanyi: Akim)
---**;sedap di dengar; kurang halus seni katanya; topik biasa.
12. Dan Sebenarnya (Komposer/ Penulis Lirik: Yuna, Paan, Efry, Adil/ Penyanyi: Yuna)
---**; unik, segar, dan sangat mengusik jiwa; Variasi utama setakat ini. bergantung sangat kuat pada penyanyi dan persembahan.
13. Kau Aku (Komposer/ Penulis Lirik/ Penyanyi: Aizat)
---**; unik, segar, sedap di dengar. Halus seni katanya.
14. Rindu Terhenti (Komposer: Aubrey Suwito/ Penulis Lirik: Tinta/ Penyanyi: Tomok)
---**; unik, segar, dan popular, masih macam pernah di dengar.
Komen di atas adalah daripada seorang yang hanya telinga Radio oriented; yang tiada pengetahuan ilmu muzik. Sekadar memberi ulasan berasaskan ketenangan dan kesenangan di hati apabila mendengar dan menghayati seni katanya...
Yang di hitamkan di atas adalah pilihan saya!
Harus diingat; ini adalah pertandingan lagu;
Pada pemerhatian saya, Yang mencetus, memperbaharui serta menyegarkan kesenian dan variasi industri muzik semasa akan diangkat sebagai juara.
Khamis, Januari 07, 2010
kisah 3 pinggan
Andaikan 3 individu berbeza meminjam sebiji pinggan daripada Kita.. Selang beberapa tempoh masa, individu pertama memulangkan pinggan tersebut dalam keadaan bersih cantik tanpa sebarang kecacatan.. Lalu Kita pun terus meletakkannya di atas rak pinggan mangkuk seperti keadaan asalnya..
Individu kedua pula memulangkan pinggan tersebut dlm keadaannya yang masih kotor; tidak berbasuh.. Pinggan tersebut akan Kita basuh sehingga bersih, kemudian barulah ianya diletakkan di tempat yg sepatutnya..
Individu ketiga pula memulangkan pinggan tersebut dalam keadaan pecah bersepai.. Tidak boleh dibezakan lagi bentuknya antara pinggan mahupun serpihan kaca.. Tiada nilainya lagi.. Kita tiada pilihan lain selain menghumbankannya ke dlm tong sampah yg hina..
Begitulah jua halnya dgn Allah Taala.. Jika Kita kembali kepadaNya dalam keadaan bersih, elok, tanpa kekotoran dosa, maka Allah akan terus meletakkan Kita di tempat yang baik Dan tempat yg selayaknya bagi Kita.. Iaitu syurga..
Namun jika Kita kembali ke hadratNya dlm keadaan kotor dgn dosa, Allah akan ‘basuh’ Kita sebersih-bersihnya di dlm api neraka sebelum memasukkan Kita ke dlm syurga..
Tetapi jika Kita kembali kepadaNya dlm keadaan yg rosak imannya, sehingga tidak dpt dibezakan antara iman dengan kufur, maka Allah tidak akan teragak2 utk menghumbankan Kita ke dlm neraka jahannam yang hina, ibarat pinggan yg pecah; tiada nilai lagi.....
Rabu, Januari 06, 2010
Kalimah Allah; suatu pernyataan keprihatinan
Dato’ Dr. Siddiq Fadzil
Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (WADAH)
Selama berabad-abad negara Malaysia (dan sebelumnya Tanah Melayu) yang terbentuk daripada gabungan Negeri-Negeri Melayu (Malay States) ini dirujuk sebagai model negara berbilang kaum dan agama yang rukun, harmonis dan penuh tolerasi. Kejayaan mencipta kerukunan hidup antara agama adalah suatu prestasi ketamadunan dan kemanusiaan yang tidak ternilai. Faktor kunci kejayaan ini tidak lain adalah sikap ramah bangsa Melayu-Muslim yang menjadi golongan majoriti dan sekaligus “tuan rumah”. Keramahan luar biasa yang memang menjadi watak bangsa inilah yang memungkinkan penganut pelbagai agama (Kristian, Hindu, Buddha dan lain-lain) di negara ini menikmati kebebasan dan keselesaan mengamalkan agama masing-masing tanpa gangguan. Selama ini kerukunan hidup sedemikian itu dapat dipertahankan kerana adanya sikap menghargai keramahan (Melayu-Muslim) tersebut, di samping adanya rasa hormat terhadap kedudukan istimewa agama Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan, juga kerana adanya kesedaran terhadap realiti kesejarahan dan kebudayaan negara ini. Memang dalam sejarahnya Negeri-Negeri Melayu adalah bahagian daripada warga rumpun besar Dar al-Islam. Kesedaran tentang hakikat-hakikat inilah yang melatari keharmonian hubungan antara kaum dan agama selama ini. Justeru, kesedaran tersebutlah yang membentuk sikap saling memahami dan menghormati batas dan sempadan daerah keagamaan masing-masing. Kaum bukan Muslim umumnya cukup memahami daerah sensitiviti masyarakat Melayu-Muslim, dan demikian pula sebaliknya. Kerana itu hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kedudukan Melayu dan Islam biasanya tidak diusek atau diganggu.
Ketegangan di sekitar isu pemakaian kalimat Allah ketika ini adalah akibat kegagalan menghayati tradisi menjaga sensitiviti umat Melayu-Islam. Mereka yang berkeras mahu menggunakan kalimat Allah dalam konteks agama Katolik bukan tidak tahu tentang keberatan umat Islam terhadap tuntutan mereka. Sikap tersebut tidak lain adalah gejala hilangnya kepedulian terhadap perasaan dan pendirian orang lain. Seharusnya mereka berusaha untuk cuba memahami keberatan umat Melayu-Muslim terhadap pemakaian nama Allah dalam konteks agama selain Islam.
Bagi umat Islam, Allah adalah di atas segala-gala. Demikianlah hakikatnya, Allah selamanya merupakan ultimate concern bagi kaum Muslimin. Syahadat pertama keIslaman mereka adalah kesaksian tentang hakikat ketiadaan tuhan selain Allah (Yang Maha Esa). Hanya Dia yang bernama Allah, nama yang dipilih sendiri oleh Allah khusus untuk diri-Nya, tidak siapa pun boleh memakainya selain Allah sendiri. Ia adalah al-Ism al-A`zam, Nama Agung bagi Dhat yang wajib al-wujud. Ia adalah nama yang merujuk Dhat yang meliputi seluruh sifat ketuhanan. Sebagai nama khusus-Nya, ia berbeza daripada nama-nama-Nya yang lain seperti al-Qadir, al-`Alim, al-Rahim yang boleh dipakai oleh yang lain-lain. Kerana kekhususannya itu jugalah nama-nama-Nya yang lain itu dinisbahkan kepada nama Allah lalu disebut asma’u ‘Llah (nama-nama Allah). Al-Sabur, al-Shakur, al-Qadir misalnya disebut sebagai nama-nama Allah, tetapi tidak boleh disebut sebaliknya, Allah adalah nama al-Shakur atau al-Sabur. Demikianlah hakikat kalimat Allah sebagai nama khas (`alam) yang tidak dipakai untuk selain-Nya.
Allah bukan nama am yang siapa sahaja boleh memakainya, dan bukan juga kata umum tanpa makna dan definisi tertentu sehingga siapa sahaja boleh memaknainya. Andainya kalimat Allah dimaknai lain daripada makna dan definisi hakikinya, jelas akan menimbulkan kekacauan semantik yang serius. Bagi umat Melayu-Muslim sejak mula kalimat Allah sudah sedia terpadu dengan definisi yang mantap dan muktamad, definisi yang diungkapkan oleh Allah sendiri dalam surah al-Ikhlas, “Katakanlah: Dia-lahAllah, Yang Maha Esa. Allah adalah Tuhan yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu. Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada seorangpun yang setara dengan Dia.”. Penurunan surah tersebut dilatari peristiwa kedatangan sekumpulan orang Yahudi meminta Nabi s.`a.w. memberikan pemerian tentang Tuhannya. Kerana itu surah ini bermula dengan kata Qul (Katakan) yang kemudian diikuti dengan ayat-ayat yang mengandungi rumusan definisi tentang Allah. Ternyata Allah adalah nama yang menyebatikan makna tauhidik, nama yang menolak syirik, dan sekaligus nama yang menafikan faham trinity (Tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan). Kerana itu surah ini disebut juga dengan nama Suratu ‘t-Tawhid. Memang ia adalah surah yang merumuskan faham tauhid yang semurni dan semutlaknya. Ayat-ayat dalam surah ini juga dengan jelas mengungkapkan makna bahawa Allah adalah “...a Personality”, bukan sekadar suatu konsep falsafi yang abstrak.
Surah al-Ikhlas adalah antara sekian banyak surah dan ayat al-Qur’an yang membawa mesej conceptual correction terhadap pemakaian nama Allah di kalangan masyarakat pra-Islam termasuk sebahagian suku-suku Arab jahiliah dan kaum Nasrani. Mereka memakai nama Allah dalam konteks faham syirik, termasuk faham al-tathlith atau trinity. Ayat-ayat korektif tersebut rata-rata membawakan makna dan nada ketidakrelaan Allah terhadap pemakaian nama-Nya dalam konteks yang menyimpang daripada prinsip kemurnian dan kemutlakan tauhid. Demikianlah kalimat dan nama Allah yang difahami oleh umat Melayu-Muslim umumnya, lalu bagaimana mungkin mereka yang saban hari membaca dan menghayati surah al-Tawhid akan dengan senang merelakan Nama Suci dan Agung ini dipakai dalam konteks faham syirik.
Sikap berkeras mahu menggunakan juga kalimat Allah (sekalipun dengan mengguris perasaan sebahagian besar umat Melayu-Muslim) menimbulkan tanda tanya, ada apa sebenarnya? Selama ini, sejak ratusan tahun, tanpa memakai nama Allah, para penganut Katolitik telah dapat mengamalkan agama mereka dengan leluasa. Ajaran Katolik dapat difahami oleh para penganutnya, malah telah dikembangkan tanpa masalah. Lalu kenapa sekarang isu ini dibangkitkan dan diperjuangkan dengan cara yang begitu provokatif. Mereka bukan tidak tahu betapa sensitif dan eksplosifnya isu ini. Mereka juga bukan tidak tahu bahawa isu ini menyentuh jantung ajaran agama Islam.
Rasanya wajar sekali kita merenung kata-kata Gopal Raj Kumar yang kami petik di bawah ini:
What Catholics appear to be seeking here is an extension to that form of racism that whatever non Malays and non Muslims wish to do in the name of religion has to be tolerated in the name of a half written constitution. Whilst at the same time arguing against everything that the Malays as a majority in a democracy do as wrong and racist.
Catholics must learn to reciprocate in kind to a people in whose country they have been treated with much reverence, dignity and respect over centuries. Malaysia although fundamentally a Muslim state has, advocated for and advanced Catholic (and other religious causes and purposes) without the let or hindrance of religious intolerance like that imposed on them by the Thais, Burmese, Philippines, Australians, Chinese and more recently the Swiss.
Much of the reason we are able to debate such issues and to read and write about it today it is often argued is the result of a good Catholic education. Wrong! It is equally the result of Malay Muslim generosity in allowing the propagation of the faith, its schools and other institutions to thrive and its tolerance of their values.
It is a pity that in return all that the Catholic church has to offer is an insult to the Malays and Malay Muslims in persuing such a worthless policy of provocation.
In a demonstration of its faith in its own credo of Good Christian Charity and goodwill, the Catholic Church ought to withdraw the ridiculous and provocative demand now legitimised by a flawed decision. It should demonstrate that it ought not to be allowed the sinister use of one Arabic word Allah which is clearly a thorn in the side of its Malay majority hosts.
The church may do so without any embarrassment to itself. On the contrary with one fell act of goodness and respect it would build a bridge of understanding likely to last forever as a monument to its credo, rather than for the blemishes in its record of insults, abuse, its betrayal to the colonials and the undermining of the cultural and religious sensitivities and heritage of Malaysia’s majority (http://takemon.wordpress.com/about/).
Isu ini seharusnya diselesaikan secepat dan sebijaksana mungkin. Semakin lama dipolemikkan, akan semakin panjang rentetan persoalannya. Sikap berkeras mahukan sesuatu yang jelas-jelas tidak dapat diberikan akan menimbulkan dugaan adanya agenda terselubung di balik tuntutan tersebut. Ia akan ditafsirkan sebagai strategi “lulus jarum, lulus kelindan”, selepas kalimat Allah akan banyak lagi istilah-istilah Islam yang dikatolikkan seperti kalimat syahadat, solat, zakat, haji dan lain-lain lagi. Isu ini akan memarakkan spekulasi bahawa ia adalah bahagian daripada agenda besar mendistorsikan Islam dengan memakai istilah-istilah Islam yang dirubah erti dan isinya. Masyarakat Islam akhirnya akan mengalami kekeliruan yang serius dan tidak lagi mengenal Islam yang murni. Lebih jauh lagi isu ini akan membangkitkan semula kenangan pedih masa lalu, zaman awal kedatangan penjajah Barat yang membawa agenda pengkristianan rakyat pribumi Melayu. Arkitek penjajahan Inggeris di rantau ini, S. Raffles tidak datang hanya untuk mengaut kekayaan, tetapi juga datang dengan misi dan cita-cita pengembangan Bible Society. Kegiatan menyebarkan agama Kristian di kalangan pribumi Melayu itu dilakukan atas nama “...cultivating the waste and barren soil of the native mind”. Usaha mengkristiankan orang Melayu telah dilakukan dengan bersungguh-sungguh, termasuk dengan menterjemahkan Bible ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Untuk itu mereka telah mendapatkan khidmat Abdullah Munsyi. Bagaimanapun orang Melayu berpegang kuat dengan Islam. Abdullah Munsyi yang terlibat dalam penterjemahan Bible mendapat gelar ejekan “Abdullah Paderi”.
Catatan tersebut seharusnya sudah menjadi “perkara masa lalu” yang sudah tidak relevan lagi dalam konteks semangat masa kini, era membina kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian. Provokasi-provokasi keagamaan seharusnya dihindari, dan tuntutan yang menjadi keberatan umat Melayu Islam ini harus dihentikan. Apa pun yang berlaku pada pemakaian kalimat Allah di luar Malaysia tidak semestinya relevan dengan masyarakat kita. Isu ini harus dilihat secara kontekstual. Realiti sejarah dan budaya Malaysia memang tidak memungkinkan pemakaian kalimat Allah di luar konteks keislaman. Fiqh kita mengambilkira `uruf ahl al-balad (budaya warga setempat). Antara yang harus menjadi pertimbangan utama dalam isu ini ialah mafsadah atau kesan buruknya yang perlu dihindari.
Selasa, Januari 05, 2010
Percaya dan Berjaya
1) Usaha untuk menguasai Constatinople sudah berlaku semenjak 800 tahun sebelum 1453, tahun di mana Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh membuka kota Constantinople. Janji Rasulullah SAW 800 tahun sebelumnya adalah benar. Yang hebatnya, adalah para sahabat dan generasi sahabat yang PERCAYA sebelum melihat janji Rasulullah SAW.
2) Kemampuan kita untuk PERCAYA dengan janji Tuhan dan Sunnah Rasul SAW adalah satu cabaran yang melangkaui zaman dan akal. Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat, belum pasti tidak wujud di alam nyata. Seekor gajah dewasa akan kekal gagal dalam pengalaman silamnya. sekiranya terperangkap dalam indoktrinasi zaman mudanya yang gagal.
3) Melaksanakan perubahan adalah satu kemestian.Di akhir hayat kita, kita mengharapkan akan memasuki Syurga. Di Syurga, adalah tempat Rasululullah SAW, Isteri nabi, Para Sahabat, tabiin, dan orang-orang hebat. Ini kerana syurga hanya menerima orang yang hebat. Orang yang tidak hebat tempatnya adalah neraka. Maka, wajib untuk kita berusaha untuk jadi hebat,.
4) Allah telah menyediakan ruang yang cukup luas untuk manusia menjadi hebat sekiranya kita berfikir, dan melihat potensi dalam diri kita.
Isnin, Januari 04, 2010
Tears and Fears
A mother’s behaviour on results day prompts another to ask what we really want for our children.
THERE was excitement in the air. Parents were busy chatting but they could hide their anxiety. Amidst the laughter, I could see the worry in their eyes. They say the eyes show your real emotion. Well, there sure was a lot to worry about.
It was the day the UPSR (Year Six examination) results would be released. Sleepless nights, pounding hearts, unfinished chores ... These exam-results syndromes are normal for kids and their parents.
The hall was abuzz with activity. Pupils laughing with their peers or talking non-stop as their eyes searched for their parents. Some pupils sat looking at their busy friends. They looked pale, as if someone had squeezed the air from their lungs. Some parents stood outside the hall, preferring the fresh air to the “stress-tinged” air inside. Couldn’t blame them.
Now I was among the anxious parents. I sat way behind my daughter, who was seated in the middle row with her friends. She looked back, saw me and waved. I nodded. Half an hour earlier, she had called me frantically on the phone to ask what time I would be in her school.
As the teachers walked in with papers in their hands, the noise subsided. A brief analyses of the year’s results was read out by the coordinator for Year Six and there was applause from the parents. Then came the moment of truth ...
Pupils who had scored straight As were called out one by one and each of them stepped up on stage grinning from cheek to cheek. When my daughter went up, I felt just fine, but she was crying madly. I wondered why; maybe she did not expect to score 5As. Anyway, I said a thankful prayer quietly.
After the last name was called, what I saw made an impact on me. One mother just dashed from the back of the hall to the front, crying. For a moment I thought she was parent of the last pupil on stage, but I was wrong.
She hugged her daughter seated in the front row and consoled her, saying it was all right that she had not scored all As. Her kid was crying. This mum kissed her daughter’s forehead and walked straight to the back of the hall, wiping her tears as she walked. She did not care about the other parents looking at her.
I was thinking: How much pressure do we put on these 12-year-olds? Why must they endure the stress of trying to achieve perfect grades?
Is it wise to push them to the limit? All they did was study, go for tuition, and do endless homework and countless practice questions. Where was the joy and fun that they rightfully needed?
I don’t remember going through all that in Year Six. I ran, played and learnt how to cycle. I rode my mum’s big bicycle till I fell and hurt my knee. And I still can laugh about that. My parents never put pressure on me to score. Whatever the grades on my report card, they just smiled and signed it. They knew I studied hard and played like mad, too …. just like my peers then. I didn’t have any tuition.
Comparing my days and now, I see so much has changed. Society looks up to top scorers without realising we are actually creating unbalanced pupils. At Primary level, why can’t we just let them enjoy their life, like we used to?
To those who got straight As, congratulations. But what about the others who did not? Their self-esteem would have dropped a notch and this would affect with them throughout their Secondary school life. And we’d start blaming them again. Is that fair?
My daughter did not want to go for the school tuition before the UPSR. All she did for the past nine months was watch TV. Ask her about the Indonesian, Korean or Malay dramas and she could relate them as if she was the writer of the scripts! Ask her about school work and she would say it was somewhere in her bag!
I told her that if she wanted 5As, she would have to work on it herself. She just gave me that innocent grin and I often wondered what she was thinking about.
As a parent, I think scoring top marks is not the main thing in life. How you cope with problems that may crop up throughout your life is more important. Survival skills are more important than just chewing school texts and regurgitating them in an examination.
So, let your kids be kids. Let them play, run, cycle and climb trees. They will be children only once in their lifetime, so don’t rob them of their childhood. Don’t send them for tuition from Year One or push them away from us by telling them to score all As or else …
Let’s teach our kids how to be human, how to interact with others, how and why they should obey God’s rules, how to help others and recognise “bad people”. Teach them how to survive in this cruel world! Reflect on how things were in our young days and ask, “Are we being fair to our kids today?”
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants
4. Live with the 3E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy
5. Make time for prayer
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day ---- and while you walk, smile
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants
4. Live with the 3E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy
5. Make time for prayer
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day ---- and while you walk, smile
11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
13. Don't over do ; keep your limits
14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
25. Call your family often
26. Each day give something good to others
27. Forgive everyone for everything
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day
30. What other people think of you is none of your business
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right things
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
34. GOD heals everything
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
37. The best is yet to come
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.
11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
13. Don't over do ; keep your limits
14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
16. Dream more while you are awake
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
25. Call your family often
26. Each day give something good to others
27. Forgive everyone for everything
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day
30. What other people think of you is none of your business
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.
32. Do the right things
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
34. GOD heals everything
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
37. The best is yet to come
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.
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