Jumaat, Mac 12, 2010

Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) Common Principles

The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) is an organization created to further a type of whole-school reform originally envisioned by founderTed Sizer in his book, Horace's Compromise. CES began in 1984 with twelve schools; it currently has 600 formal members. The Coalition was founded on nine "Common Principles" that were intended to codify Sizer's insights from Horace's Compromise and the views and beliefs of others in the organization. These original principles were:

  1. Learning to use one's mind well The school should focus on helping young people learn to use their minds well.
  2. Less is More, depth over coverage - The school's goals should be simple: that each student master a limited number of essential skills and areas of knowledge. While these skills and areas will, to varying degrees, reflect the traditional academic disciplines, the program's design should be shaped by the intellectual and imaginative powers and competencies that the students need, rather than by "subjects" as conventionally defined.
  3. Goals apply to all students - The school's goals should apply to all students, while the means to these goals will vary as those students themselves vary.
  4. Personalization - Teaching and learning should be personalized to the maximum feasible extent. Efforts should be directed toward a goal that no teacher have direct responsibility for more than 80 students in the high school and middle school and no more than 20 in the elementary school.
  5. Student-as-worker, teacher-as-coach - The governing practical metaphor of the school should be student-as-worker, rather than the more familiar metaphor of teacher-as-deliverer-of-instructional-services. Accordingly, a prominent pedagogy will be coaching, to provoke students to learn how to learn and thus to teach themselves.
  6. Demonstration of mastery - Teaching and learning should be documented and assessed with tools based on student performance of real tasks. Students not yet at appropriate levels of competence should be provided intensive support and resources to assist them quickly to meet those standards. Multiple forms of evidence, ranging from ongoing observation of the learner to completion of specific projects, should be used to better understand the learner's strengths and needs, and to plan for further assistance.  The emphasis is on the students' demonstration that they can do important things.
  7. A tone of decency and trust - The tone of the school should explicitly and self-consciously stress values of unanxious expectation ("I won't threaten you but I expect much of you"), of trust (until abused) and of decency (the values of fairness, generosity and tolerance). Incentives appropriate to the school's particular students and teachers should be emphasized. Parents should be key collaborators and vital members of the school community.
  8. Commitment to the entire school - The principal and teachers should perceive themselves as generalists first (teachers and scholars in general education) and specialists second (experts in but one particular discipline). Staff should expect multiple obligations (teacher-counselor-manager) and a sense of commitment to the entire school.
  9. Resources dedicated to teaching and learning - Ultimate administrative and budget targets should include student loads that promote personalization, substantial time for collective planning by teachers, competitive salaries for staff, and an ultimate per pupil cost not to exceed that at traditional schools by more than 10 percent.
  10. Democracy and equity (this principle was added later, in the mid-nineties) - The school should demonstrate non-discriminatory and inclusive policies, practices, and pedagogies. It should model democratic practices that involve all who are directly affected by the school. The school should honor diversity and build on the strength of its communities, deliberately and explicitly challenging all forms of inequity.

This was intended to make explicit the Coalition's views on race, class, and gender equality and democratic governance of schools. It is relatively unclear how wide or deep the adoption of the tenth principle is, particularly as regards "democracy", as the sorts of evaluations CES schools are likely to undergo are more oriented towards pedagogy and student performance, and many of the schools that are members of CES, especially those with partial affiliation, may not have had to demonstrate this younger principle rigorously.

6 phases of working

Phase 1

You are listening to jazz -- Your first day at  work is great.
Your co-workers are wonderful, your office is  cute,
you love your boss, and your President is the  best! 

Phase 2

You are listening to pop music -- After a while  you are
so busy that you are not sure if you're coming or going  anymore.

Phase 3

You are listening to heavy metal -- 
This is  what happens after about SIX Months! 

Phase 4

You are listening to hip hop -- You become bloated  due to stress,
you're gaining weight due to lack of exercise  because you are so
tired and have so much work to do and when  you get home you have more work to do.
You feel sluggish and  suffer from constipation.
Your fellow co-workers are too  cheerful for your liking and the walls of your cubicle are closing  in.

Phase 5

You are listening to GANGSTA RAP -- 
After more  time passes, your eyes start to twitch,
you forget what a 'good  hair day' feels like as you
just fall out of bed and load up on  caffeine.

Phase 6

You are listening to the voices in your head --   
You have locked the office door to keep people out,
You  wonder WHY you are even here in the first
place and WHY did I  come to work today!  

Which phase are you in?

Khamis, Mac 11, 2010

Beriani Dhab

Dhab adalah sejenis biawak yang hidup di padang pasir.
Ia satu-satunya jenis Biawak yang halal / dibenarkan untuk dimakan oleh orang Islam.

Al-fatihah ; Syeikh Tantawi

DUBAI 10 Mac – Syeikh Al-Azhar, Syeikh Mohamed Sayed Tantawi meninggal dunia semasa melakukan lawatan ke Arab Saudi. Tantawi meninggal dunia di ibu negara Saudi, Riyadh selepas mengalami serangan sakit jantung.

Berita kematian Tantawi itu dilaporkan oleh stesen televisyen Al Jazeera hari ini, dengan memetik wartawannya di Saudi. Al-Azhar, antara pusat pengajian Sunah paling terkemuka di dunia Islam, mengendalikan sekolah, universiti dan institusi pendidikan lain di seluruh Mesir.

When Software Engineers feel bored

Things that software engineers do when they feeling bored..

"Sape kaco aku?"

under construction

"Bangun Pagi, Gosok Gigi, Senang Hati"

"Gigi ku jua"

" Aku merokok. So what? aku kucing. Kau sape? "

Lori Lari Laju-Laju....

Robot Transformers kot..

Pesan Pakcik

Baru- baru ni ketika saya nak ke Surau berdekatan dgn rumah saya untuk sembahyang Isyak, seorang pak cik berjanggut putih dan berjubah putih dari jauh melemparkan senyum kepada saya. Kerana masih ada banyak waktu, saya tunggu pak cik berjanggut putih tu dan bertongkat yang tidak saya kenali itu.. Timbul di hati saya untuk jalan seiringan ke surau. 

Bila beliau hampir pada saya, kami saling memberi salam. Orangnya sudah berumur. Tiba-tiba, pak cik itu memulakan perbualan. Beliau cakap dalam bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris yang agak baik. Beliau cakap semua ayat Quran baik dan penting, tapi ada tiga surah yang beliau 'pegang' betul-betul , dan beliau nasihatkan saya supaya pegang betul-betul juga. Beliau juga nasihatkan saya supaya pesan pada anak-anak supaya pegangnya betul-betul. 


kata beliau, surah Al-Fatihah. Selain penting untuk sah sembahyang, ia juga ada doa minta bantuan Tuhan dan mintak tunjukkan jalan yang betul. Mudah-mudahan dengan 'menjaga' bersungguh-sungguh surah Al-Fatihah, akan terbuka pintu bantuan dan jalan yang betul untuk kita, kata pakcik. 

Surah Al-Ikhlas . Surah ini, katanya, s urah tauhid. 
Kita mesti ingat Tuhan itu Esa dan semua amalan mesti untuk-Nya. Tak guna buat baik tapi tak ikhlas. 


surah Al-Kafirun , kata pak cik. Bahagian ini, menarik sikit. Pak cik tu cakap surah Al-Kafirun ada kena mengena dengan zaman sekarang, zaman globalisasi. Dalam zaman globalisasi, katanya, anak-anak saya mesti diajar supaya pegang betul-betul surah itu. Sebab, dalam zaman globalisasi, anak saya mungkin kena kerja atau belajar sampai ke Amerika atau ke mana-mana. 

Kalau dia pegang pada surah Al-Kafirun, insya-Allah, dia akan selamat, kata pak cik. Dia akan bergaul dengan orang beragama lain, tapi dia sedar 'untukmu agamamu, untukku agamaku' . 
Betul juga, fikir saya. Kemudian, pak cik cakap ada satu lagi perkara yang saya mesti pegang. Orang Islam, 

katanya, mesti ada tiga kekuatan. 

kekuatan minda 
Minda, kata pak cik, ialah ilmu. Orang Islam mesti ada ilmu, termasuk ilmu moden, ilmu teknologi, ilmu teknologi maklumat (IT) dan > sebagainya kerana ilmu-ilmu itu perlu untuk hidup. 


kekuatan hati 
Hati ialah iman, kata pak cik. Hati orang Islam mesti kuat supaya betapa banyak sekali pun ilmunya, dia sedar siapa yang lebih berkuasa. Bila ilmu ada iman, barulah ilmu dan hidup jadi betul. Kala u minda kuat tapi hati tak kuat, maknanya kekuatan tak seimbang dan ilmu boleh rosakkan iman, kata pak cik... 


kuat fizikal 
Pertama-pertama, kalau tubuh badan lemah, susah ilmu nak masuk dalam minda, kata pak cik. Kala u pun ada ilmu dan ada iman, jika tubuh badan tak kuat, susah nak beramal. Maknanya, kekuatan masih tak seimbang, katanya

Sleep Boxes


Sleep box - how about sleeping in a box when you are just passing by a large city?

  1. Size: 2 m x 1,40m x 2,30m to sleep in comfort and security.
  2. Cheap sleep in case of emergency for anyone rich or poor!!
  3. No time wasted looking for a hotel
  4. Designed to be installed at train stations and airports, and central public places or cities where accommodation is fully booked.
  5. In tropical climate countries the sleeper box can be installed outdoors in main streets.
  6. The space includes bed, linen, ventilation system, alarm. LCD TV, WiFi , space for your laptop and re chargeable phone. Under your bed and floor there is a cupboard for your luggage.
  7. Payment is made at terminals who will give clients an electronic key that can be purchased for 15 minutes or for as many hours as you need.

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Click here to join nidokidos

Selasa, Mac 09, 2010

Great thinking gives great result.


You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop 
and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1.An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2.An old friend who once saved your life.
3.The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose? 


The old lady of course! After helping the old lady into the car, you can give your keys to your 
friend, and wait with your perfect partner for the bus.

finding the right attitude

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the gem of their eyes. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for office so he asked his wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. His wife, preoccupied in the kitchen totally forgot the matter.
The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle fascinated by its color and drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital. He died.

The mother was stunned! She was terrified how she was going to face her husband. When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just five words.

1. What were the five words?
2. What is the implication of this story?

If you were the father, what would your words be when you meet the wife?
If you were the mother, what would your words be when you meet the husband?

The husband just said "I am with you Darling".

The husband's totally unexpected reaction is a proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life...
There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he had taken time to keep the bottle away, this would not have happened. No one is to be blamed. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her. If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer problems in the world.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears. And you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.

Very often we spend time in asking who is responsible or whom to be blamed, whether in a relationship, in a job, in school, in the family, or with the people we know when things go wrong. And, with this mental attitude, everything there after is bound to fail. Blame is the start of divide and discord. Blame never concord. But it is indeed very difficult to practice like in the story above because blame is anger or hate-based. And it blinds ! The mind justifies when it is clouded with blame.

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." – Winston Churchill

Sabtu, Mac 06, 2010

genius; potential of "SixthSense' Tech

At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop".