How to seal a bag and make it air-tight? 1. Cut up a disposable water bottle and keep the neck and top, as in photo. |
2. Insert the plastic bag through the neck and screw the top – to seal. The bottle is made to be air-tight, such that water will not leak, the secret lies with the top and screw! |
Selasa, November 30, 2010
How to seal a bag and make it air-tight?
Isnin, November 29, 2010
The Dragonfly effect
Bermain dengan emosi masih merupakan faktor yang dominan bagi menjayakan sesuatu program atau aktiviti. Bijak menggunakan emosi membolehkan hasrat seseorang itu tertapi, tapi jika salah mengadunkan ramuannya, akan membangkitkan kemarahan melampau.
Seorang pakar psikologi sosial, Jennifer Aaker dan dibantu oleh suaminya, Andy Smith, seorang pakar dan juruperunding pemasaran bersetuju bahawa emosi adalah sesuatu yang amat penting untuk memperoleh sesuatu kesan yang mendalam. Melalui buku yang memberikan focus mengenai kuasa media sosial atau laman sosial, The Dragonfly Effect, kedua mereka mengulas bagaimana perkara tersebut boleh dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan yang lebih besar.
Bertitik tolak kepada keyakinan, perkara kecil boleh memberikan kesan yang besar, Jennifer Aaker dan Andy Smith kagum dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh pasukan Shameer Bhatia, seorang usahawan yang sedang meningkat naik dalam aspek pinjaman mikro. Pada tahun 2007, Shameer disahkan mengidap kanser darah atau leukemia ketika mendapat pemeriksaan doktor di sebuah klinik di Mumbai.
Doktor menasihatkan agar Shameer cepat pulang ke Lembah Silikon, tempat penginapannya untuk mendapat rawatan berterusan daripada doktor. Setelah menjalani beberapa siri rawatan, Shameer dicadang menjalani pemindahan tulang sumsun. Masalahnya, bagaimana untuk mendapatkan penderma sepadan, dan menurut teorinya kesepadanan itu banyak bergantung kepada faktor keluarga, keturunan dan mereka yang mempunyai hubungan darah.
Shameer merupakan anak imigran dari Asia Selatan. Seorang rakan kongsinya, Robert Chatwani mengambil keputusan untuk menggunakan sebaran e-mel kepada semua kenalan mereka menceritakan apa yang berlaku ke atas Shameer. Dengan menggunakan kemudahan laman sosial, Robert berjaya menghantar antara 400 hingga 500 e-mail . Dalam tempoh 48 jam, e-mel tersebut telah tersebar kepada lebih 35,000 orang dan -sejak itu, kempen tersebut berjaya menarik simpati lebih sejuta orang dalam tempoh sebelas minggu.
Shameer akhirnya bergabung dengan Vinay Chakravarthy, seorang lagi keturunan Asia Selatan yang menghidapi penyakit yang sama dan sedang mencari penderma yang sesuai. Gabungan tersebut akhirnya berjaya menemui penderma yang hampir sepadan, pada bulan Ogos 2007.
Walau bagaimanapun, setelah beberapa bulan menjalani pemindahan tulang sumsum, pada bulan Mac 2008 Shameer meninggal dunia kerana menerima tolakan dari dalam badannya beberapa kali. Namun, sebelum menjalani pemindahan, Shameer sentiasa melaporkan perkembangan melalui laman sosial dan berterima kasih ke atas semua yang bersimpati dengan penyakit yang dihidapinya.
Pengarang turut membuat analisis mengenai keberkesanan Barrack Obama memenangi pilihan raya presiden Amerika Syarikat pada bulan November 2008 menerusi tarikan emosi pengundi muda yang sentiasa mengikuti kempen tersebut melalui youtube. Sepanjang kempen, bahan kempen yang disiarkan melalui youtube telah menarik minat lebih 50 juta pengunjung dan melibatkan masa tontonan lebih 14 juta jam. Dari sudut penggunaan laman sosial, Obama jauh terkedepan berbanding calon Republikan, John MacCains. Obama mampu menarik lebih 5 juta penyokong melalui 15 jenis laman sosial termasuk 2.5 juta dari facebook. Obama menguasai lebih empat kali ganda dari John MacCains dalam capaian melalui laman sosial.
Bagi Jennifer Aaker dan Andy Smith, kedua kes ini membuktikan bahawa laman sosial mempunyai pengaruh yang besar dalam menentukan sesuatu perubahan sosial. Bagi mendapat manfaat dari perkembangan tersebut, kedua mereka merangka sebuah teori yang menggunakan analogi sejenis serangga, iaitu pepatung ataupun sibur-sibur. Bagi sesetengah masyarakat, serangga tersebut amat penting dalam kehidupan mereka, kerana ia turut merupakan sumber makanan.
Pepatung, seperti juga serangga lain mempunyai tiga pasang kaki, dan jangka hayatnya tidaklah lama, pepatung dewasa bertahan selama 4 bulan. Uniknya pepatung ialah sayap, mata dan badannya. Dua pasang sayap yang lutsinar, kuat dan sentiasa bergerak secara kesatuan semasa terbang. Sepasang mata yang besar didepan dan badannya yang panjang sebagai pengimbang yang cekap. Pepatung merupakan serangga yang paling pantas sekali terbang, dan memakan hampir semua serangga lain yang lebih kecil, termasuk nyamuk, lalat dan agas-agas.
Empat sayap yang dipunyai oleh pepatung itu diironikan sebagai empat strategi laman sosial. Sayap pertama mewakili focus, sayap kedua menarik perhatian (grab attention), sayap ketiga menjalin hubung (engange) dan sayap keempat ialah melaksanakan (take action).
Sayap Pertama: Fokus
Pengarang menjelaskan sayap pertama itu mestilah membawa kepada matlamat yang hendak dicapai. Matlamat itu tidak perlu merupakan sesuatu yang besar, kerana bagi mereka meskipun dianggap kecil, yang lebih penting ialah kesannya yang lebih besar. Langkah seterusnya dalam strategi pertama ialah setelah matlamat telah ditetapkan, ia perlu dipecahkan dalam beberapa kategori yang lebih kecil dan khusus. Langkah kedua, ialah buat keputusan bagaimana untuk mengukur kejayaan sesebuah matlamat. Dari situlah ditentukan pula rencana yang lebih khusus dengan menggunakan kaedah dan panduan dalam bidang pengurusan.
Sayap Kedua: Menarik Perhatian
Apabila sudah jelas apa yang hendak dilakukan, seseorang itu perlu mencari jalan bagaimana untuk menarik perhatian khalayak sasaran. Saranan pengarang ialah menggunakan pendekatan manusiawi iaitu bersifat sentuhan peribadi (personal touch), asli, mudah dan banyak menampilkan visual, termasuk warna yang sesuai dan foto atau video klip yang menyokong membina emosi khalayak.
Sayap Ketiga: Menjalin Hubungan
Bagi membolehkan khalayak melaksanakan apa-apa tindakan, emosi khalayak mestilah dibentuk terlebih dahulu selaras dengan matlamat. Untuk melakukannya, seseorang itu perlu memahami bagaimana sesuatu perhubungan erat boleh terjalin. Cerita dan sentuhan peribadi memainkan peranan. Anda seharusnya dapat mengungkapkan cerita anda melalui pelbagai media, termasuk media konvensional. Ini kerana sesetengah orang lebih gemar menggunakan facebook berbanding twitter atau e-mel, ada segelintir bergantung kepada mesej dalam media konvensional (radio, televisyen, akhbar, majalan ataupun risalah). Ia akan menjadi lebih berkembang apabila generasi internet itu bersembang sama ada secara maya ataupun lepak dengan kawan-kawan menceritakan mesej tersebut.
Ini telah dibuktikan melalui kempen Obama. Obama sentiasa membawa set blackberry sepanjang kempen tersebut. Setiap pertanyaan yang diterimanya, beliau akan jawab dan seterusnya diposkan melalui sms, twitter, facebook dan blog. Ini dilakukan oleh Obama sendiri dengan dibantu oleh beberapa orang petugas kempen termasuk Randi Zukerberg, saudara kepada pengasas facebook. Imej Obama ketika dilihat tidak lekang dari menggenggam blackberry, kerana teknologi itu telah melakarkan imej beliau sebagai seseorang yang moderat, telus, jujur dan menerima maklum balas. Beliau akan menghubungi mereka yang memberikan maklumat dan mengucapkan terima kasih,walaupun dalam sesetengah keadaan, maklum balas tersebut adalah negatif.
Sayap Keempat: Laksanakan
Apabila sudah boleh menjalin hubungan dengan khalayak, inilah masanya untuk mendorong mereka melaksanakan peranan tersebut. Kebiasaannya, ketika inilah kita memerlukan khalayak membuat keputusan dengan menyentuh emosi untuk bangkit memberikan sumbangan secara sukarela, sama ada untuk memilih, memberikan derma dan sumbangan tenaga ataupun kedua-duanya.
Masa ini juga kita bakal berhadapan dengan penolakan, kerana orang yang memberikan kesanggupan pada awalnya akan berubah sikap. Oleh itu, kita perlulah cekap mengesan mereka untuk terus memberikan dorongan, atau memujuk emosi yang sudah berganjak itu dengan cepat dan berhubung secara peribadi.
Strategi ini banyak digunakan dalam politik, terutama pada saat-saat akhir kempen pilihan raya. Maklumat balas yang diterima itu mestilah jelas dan khalayak yang terbabit mempunyai asas penolakan yang kian goyah harus dipujuk dan dirayu. Menggunakan laman sosial juga boleh membantu, yakni apabila menemui mesej sedemikian, kita haruslah menjawab secara berhemah dan positif.
Bagi pengarang, seseorang yang ingin melakukan perubahan menerusi laman sosial perlukan kepada empat-empat sayap tersebut. Buku ini sebenarnya sebuah buku yang menganalisis secara menarik mengenai aspek psikologi yang memungkinkan kita mendapat faedah dari perspektif arah aliran mikro kepada hal-hal yang besar dan bermakna.
Laman sosial perlu dimanfaatkan dan laman sosial itulah juga menjadi senjata parti-parti pembangkang untuk memenangi lebih banyak kerusi dalam pilihan raya umum 2008 lalu. Sekurang-kurangnya, buku ini mungkin boleh jadi panduan terbaik sehingga kini bagaimana kita boleh menggunakan peluang di atas kebanjiran khalayak laman sosial yang semakin sehari semakin bertambah besar. (akh)
(Sumber : Blog buletinKPM)
Apakah kanser? Ia merupakan keadaan dimana sel-sel sihat dalam badan kami telah berubah kerana diserang oleh asid yang mengandungi kimia yang membolehkan sel-sel kanser menambah dan merebak dalam badan kami. Untuk mengelakkan darah kami menjadi asidik perlu jaga makanan. Kurangkan makan daging dan amalkan lebih memakan sayur dan buah-buahan.
Gigi manusia menunjukkan bahawa kami sebenarnya perlu makan sayur dan buah-buahan kerana hanya mengandungi 4 batang gigi tajam ( gigi kanine ) daripada 32. Ini bermaksud 28 batang untuk mengunyah makanan berbentuk buah dan sayur. Binatang liar seperti harimau dan singa yang makan daging mempunyai gigi yang tajam untuk mengoyak daging.Kitab agama Al-Quran pun beri petunjuk bahawa kami perlu makan sedikit daging sahaja.
Penyebab utama adalah merokok. Ia membunuh manusia secara perlahan-lahan tanpa kesan-kesan awal dan menghabiskan duit kami dengan senyap sahaja. Setiap batang rokok mempunyai 4,000 jenis kimia yang merbahaya ( dalam sukatan amaun kecil ). Menghisap sekali lebih 600 kali merbahaya daripada bernafas asap daripada kenderaan awam.
a) Makanan yang di BBQ
b) Makanan yang di goreng dengan lebih minyak seperti goreng pisang, keledek, kentang fries & wedges , kerepek.
c) Daging yang dimasak dengan api atau suhu yang sangat tinggi.
d) Makanan yang diawet , berlebihan garam atau nitrate. Contoh : makanan tin, telor & sayur masin, sausage, daging salai.
e) Nasi yang disimpan hingga pagi esok ( mengandungi aflatoksin )
g) Makanan yang berkurangan serat. Contoh : roti putih. Badan kami memerlukan 25gm serat yang boleh cair dan diserap dan serat biasa setiap hari. Kami perlu minum sekurang-kurangnya 2 hingga 3 liter atau 8 gelas air kosong sehari .
h) Jangan makan roti yang telah berkulat dan roti yang disimpan lebih 2 hari dalam cuaca panas untuk mengelakkan kanser hati .
Sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan berwarna hijau, merah, unggu dan oren sangat mengandungi bahan-bahan anti-kanser seperti antioksiden dan Vitamin A, E dan Cyang mencegah dan melawan sel-sel kanser. Segala jenis kanser boleh diubati dengan jus buah dan sayur.
Buah durian belanda agak berkesan. Berikan kepada pesakit dan buat ujian darah kemudian. Pasti nampak sel-sel kanser akan berkurangan dalam darah kami dan lama-lama akan sembuh. Boleh cuba kalau tak percaya. Ada kes dimana doktor telah kata kanser dalam tahap ke 4 dan tidak boleh diubati lagi.......tetapi oleh kerana tiada pilihan lain ( lebih baik cuba daripada menunggu dan menderita ) dan keyakinan diri pesakit minum jus buah-buahan dan sayuran bercampur ( termasuk carrot, durian belanda, strawberry, blueberry, kobis, broccoli dan anggur merah ).
Selepas beberapa hari pesakit nampak lebih bertenaga dan sihat. Ujian darah dibuat dan doktor-doktor pun terkejut dan hairan bahawa sel-sel kanser makinberkurangan. Lama-lama pesakit makin sembuh dan akhirnya hidup seperti biasa.
(sumber : email forward)
Siri Perkongsian Ilmu
Apakah kanser? Ia merupakan keadaan dimana sel-sel sihat dalam badan kami telah berubah kerana diserang oleh asid yang mengandungi kimia yang membolehkan sel-sel kanser menambah dan merebak dalam badan kami. Untuk mengelakkan darah kami menjadi asidik perlu jaga makanan. Kurangkan makan daging dan amalkan lebih memakan sayur dan buah-buahan.
Gigi manusia menunjukkan bahawa kami sebenarnya perlu makan sayur dan buah-buahan kerana hanya mengandungi 4 batang gigi tajam ( gigi kanine ) daripada 32. Ini bermaksud 28 batang untuk mengunyah makanan berbentuk buah dan sayur. Binatang liar seperti harimau dan singa yang makan daging mempunyai gigi yang tajam untuk mengoyak daging.Kitab agama Al-Quran pun beri petunjuk bahawa kami perlu makan sedikit daging sahaja.
Penyebab utama adalah merokok. Ia membunuh manusia secara perlahan-lahan tanpa kesan-kesan awal dan menghabiskan duit kami dengan senyap sahaja. Setiap batang rokok mempunyai 4,000 jenis kimia yang merbahaya ( dalam sukatan amaun kecil ). Menghisap sekali lebih 600 kali merbahaya daripada bernafas asap daripada kenderaan awam.
a) Makanan yang di BBQ
b) Makanan yang di goreng dengan lebih minyak seperti goreng pisang, keledek, kentang fries & wedges , kerepek.
c) Daging yang dimasak dengan api atau suhu yang sangat tinggi.
d) Makanan yang diawet , berlebihan garam atau nitrate. Contoh : makanan tin, telor & sayur masin, sausage, daging salai.
e) Nasi yang disimpan hingga pagi esok ( mengandungi aflatoksin )
g) Makanan yang berkurangan serat. Contoh : roti putih. Badan kami memerlukan 25gm serat yang boleh cair dan diserap dan serat biasa setiap hari. Kami perlu minum sekurang-kurangnya 2 hingga 3 liter atau 8 gelas air kosong sehari .
h) Jangan makan roti yang telah berkulat dan roti yang disimpan lebih 2 hari dalam cuaca panas untuk mengelakkan kanser hati .
Sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan berwarna hijau, merah, unggu dan oren sangat mengandungi bahan-bahan anti-kanser seperti antioksiden dan Vitamin A, E dan Cyang mencegah dan melawan sel-sel kanser. Segala jenis kanser boleh diubati dengan jus buah dan sayur.
Buah durian belanda agak berkesan. Berikan kepada pesakit dan buat ujian darah kemudian. Pasti nampak sel-sel kanser akan berkurangan dalam darah kami dan lama-lama akan sembuh. Boleh cuba kalau tak percaya. Ada kes dimana doktor telah kata kanser dalam tahap ke 4 dan tidak boleh diubati lagi.......tetapi oleh kerana tiada pilihan lain ( lebih baik cuba daripada menunggu dan menderita ) dan keyakinan diri pesakit minum jus buah-buahan dan sayuran bercampur ( termasuk carrot, durian belanda, strawberry, blueberry, kobis, broccoli dan anggur merah ).
Selepas beberapa hari pesakit nampak lebih bertenaga dan sihat. Ujian darah dibuat dan doktor-doktor pun terkejut dan hairan bahawa sel-sel kanser makinberkurangan. Lama-lama pesakit makin sembuh dan akhirnya hidup seperti biasa.
(sumber : email forward)
Siri Perkongsian Ilmu
Jumaat, November 26, 2010
We Are Knowledge Managers?
Sunday November 21, 2010
What all educators must know
Having an assessment-based education system is not good enough if the country has plans to transform and move ahead.
WE ARE stuck in a system where we educators envisage ourselves as “knowledge managers, rather than as “knowing managers”.
What is the difference?
Knowledge managers are people who think that knowledge is an independent wheel in a vehicle and does not interact with the rest of the vehicle. It can be removed, damaged or modified and still have no causal effect on the rest of the vehicle.
Knowledge managers are also traditional teacher-centred practitioners who think that knowledge is to be swallowed and regurgitated by learners. Regurgitation of course, occurs at examination halls, where it will be determined how good learners are at reproducing data.
Knowing managers, are people who understand that that one insignificant wheel plays a determining role, in the overall performance of the vehicle.
These managers know that the sum total of learning occurs in a multi-linked wheel where the weakest link determines the overall performance.
The overall immersions, interactions and experiences in a learning environment will determine the final outcome – the person that the student will become.
I have found that students, who make the effort to spend time with their lecturers outside their classrooms and engage in issues outside their areas of expertise, are thoughtful thinkers and have a better perception.
They are quite distinct from the straight A’s scholars who studiously plug away at their assignments and books, but never really understand where everything falls in the greater scheme of things. Why is this so?
Many educators make the mistake of falling into the role of knowledge managers the instant they step into formal learning spaces — this is true at schools and at universities. It is the job of schools and the universities to ensure students graduate with sufficient knowledge that will enable them to acquire an acceptable grade or degree.
Who can blame the educators then, for wanting to become knowledge managers who teach with only exams in mind since this is the requirement the institutions and ministries want. Knowing managers, however, are aware that learning through knowing is an infinite system of beliefs, knowledge, skills, ethics and social interactions amongst others.
Research and investigations, debates and discussions, all mesh into a single coherent set of skills that stimulates and builds “knowing’’ and the series of orchestral manoeuvres finally result in a learned person.
The environment that provides all these are almost non-existent in nearly all educational systems.
In my own students, I have found they quickly disengage from me when they cannot find relevance and synchrony between my teachings and what they want.
This is especially true in first-year students. They come to the university with big ambitions, after having been told they are the cream of the crop, and that success is guaranteed. The system gives me the impression that they are excellent and ready for “knowing”.
When we meet, the students and I find there is almost a complete mismatch in expectations.
With the stage set by this mismatched expectations, students slowly succumb to a downward spiral where they realise that the knowledge and certainty they had, is not quite the knowing and certainty they face.
They realise that their achievements in examinations have no value. The actual expectation is for them to open their minds to new ways of thinking and knowing.
They realise that it is the discussions and arguments that provide a real understanding of knowing.
A new twist
This is the start of the mess we are in now. The system demands that I become a knowledge manager who grades students on quantified knowledge, and then assign them marks and points that will determine a range of grades.
At the same time, the system also demands that I become a knowing manager who will immerse students into a knowing environment.
I am reminded of a public speaking class earlier where my students could not grasp that a great speech was a combination of many components coming together.
When I spoke about eye contact, everyone focused on it, forgetting gestures and voice tone.
They are now getting the idea that nothing can work by itself, and it is all about knowing their speech and their audience, not knowledge of the speech and the audience — knowledge being an ineffective tangible factor; and knowing being about an intangible, powerful force.
Don’t get me wrong. We just never have had high expectations until now. The problem lies with the fact that educators and education systems are not evolving fast enough to meet new demands.
The other problem is that entrance into universities and schools is a global economic game now, and all the major players believe in looking at knowledge grades first before looking at the knowing skills.
We have encouraged the growth of a grading system based on student competition, where students (and educators) are forced to seek an edge over their peers.
This restricts them from engaging fully with each other in a trusted manner since information that is perceived to give an edge, will be held back.
In many Asian countries, this has also resulted in one of the biggest disasters — tuition centres.
I have come to believe that the assessment-based system we have created is the core catalyst for the dysfunction of our education system. We are addicted to knowledge of the tangibles and have lost focus and faith in knowing the intangibles.
What is the way out? We have to create meaningful and relevant alternatives to exams, and there are many – from research projects to scholarly debates to entrepreneurship – the list is endless.
They may be difficult, but we no longer have the option of choosing a simpler route. It is time to decide once and for all whether we want students who MUST go to school for grades and knowledge or students who will immerse themselves into ways of knowing and become relevant to the future that is already at our doorstep. Or are we willing to risk a failed state?
> Dr Theva Nithy is a senior lecturer at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Through this column and through the revolutionary ENGAGE Programme – Education for Sustainable Global Futures – USM has started, he and his colleagues hope to help transfor the landscapes of Malaysian schooling and higher education systems. He can be contacted at
Story of Appreciation
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision. The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never had a year when he did not score.
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth
answered "none".
The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?"
The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.
The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner.
The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.
The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.
The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.*
The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.
The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water. This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future. After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed
all the remaining clothes for his mother. That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office. The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: " Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
The Director asked, " please tell me your feelings."
The youth said, Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.
The director said, " This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.
A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first.
He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would
always blame others. For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement. He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more.
If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?*
You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together
with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way.
You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done.
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth
answered "none".
The director asked, " Was it your father who paid for your school fees?"
The youth answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.
The director asked, " Where did your mother work?" The youth answered, "My mother worked as clothes cleaner.
The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.
The director asked, " Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" The youth answered, "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.
The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.*
The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.
The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water. This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future. After finishing the cleaning of his mother hands, the youth quietly washed
all the remaining clothes for his mother. That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office. The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked: " Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
The Director asked, " please tell me your feelings."
The youth said, Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, by working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.
The director said, " This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.
A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality" and would always put himself first.
He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts. When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would
always blame others. For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement. He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more.
If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?*
You can let your kid live in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together
with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way.
You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done.
Selasa, November 23, 2010

(GEMPAQ 2010)
ABIM Selangor akan bertanggungjawab dalam melaksana modul LDK bagi perjalanan program di atas yang dijangka berlangsung selama 1 bulan sepanjang cuti sekolah. Modul LDK yang dipertanggungjawabkan bermula dari jam 2.30 petang sehingga jam 5.00 petang. Fasilitator didatangkan daripada ABIM Selangor dan dibantu oleh adik-adik sayap pelajar ABIM iaitu PEPIAS. Butiran penganjuran adalah seperti berikut:
Pelaksana Bersama:
YAYASAN AL-IJABAH (KEM HAFAZAN) - 8.00pg hingga 2.00ptg
Tarikh Perlaksanaan
26 November hingga 27 Disember 2010
Tempat Perlaksanaan
Masjid Raja Uda, Seksyen 16 Shah Alam
Sekolah Rendah Agama Seksyen 16 Shah Alam
Untuk Pendaftaran hubungi 03-5511 7781 atau 03-5880 4586 atau sms ke 017-29 288 29
Pertumpahan Darah di Jalan Kebun
2. | Tarikh program | 21 November 2010 |
3. | Lokasi | Rumah Perlindungan dan Pemulihan Wanita Islam Darul Wardah |
4. | Pengarah Projek | Ustaz Khairudin |
5. | Ko-ordinator | Norhidayah Sumairi |
7. | Kehadiran | 100 peserta merangkumi wakil-wakil ABIM Daerah Selangor dan ahli-ahli Darul Wardah |
8. | Masa | 1 hari |
9. | Dengan kerjasama | Rumah Perlindungan dan Pemulihan Wanita Islam Darul Wardah |
7.00 am : Perasmian & Tazkirah
7.30 am : Pembahagian kumpulan untuk tugasan korban
8.00 am : Sembelihan Korban
10.00 am : Melapah & Agihan Daging Korban
12.00 pm : Taklimat Wakil KBI, YDP ABIM Selangor dan YDP-YDP Daerah
7.30 am : Pembahagian kumpulan untuk tugasan korban
8.00 am : Sembelihan Korban
10.00 am : Melapah & Agihan Daging Korban
12.00 pm : Taklimat Wakil KBI, YDP ABIM Selangor dan YDP-YDP Daerah
12.00 pm : Grup Helwa membuat persiapan masakan
1.10 pm : Solat Berjemaah
2.00 pm : Makan Berjemaah
2.00 pm : Makan Berjemaah
3.00 pm : Majlis Bersurai
Perasmian Program dan taklimat perjalanan program oleh Ustaz Zawawi selaku YDP ABIM Selangor di perkarangan rumah Ustaz Zawawi.
7.30 pagi
Pembahagian kumpulan dilakukan.Peserta yang hadir dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan untuk dua ekor lembu untuk dikorbankan.
8.00 pagi
Acara penyembelihan secara berjemaah dengan iringan takbir dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.
10.00 pagi
Acara melapah daging dan penimbangan daging dijalankan. Kumpulan memasak diketuai oleh Encik Samad dari ABIM Kuala Langat menyediakan masakan nasi, sup tulang dan daging dan lauk lemak kuning untuk santapan tengah hari para peserta dan jemputan program.
12.00 tgh
Acara melapah dan penimbangan daging selesai.Semua peserta berkumpul di daalm khema untk mendengar taklimat dari wakil Darul Wardah, KBI dan ABIM Selangor. Taklimat wakil Darul Wardah disampaikan oleh Ustazah Hazlina. Taklimat dari wakil KBI oleh Pengerusi KBI En. Shamsuddin . Taklimat dari wakil ABIM Selangor oleh YDP ABIM Selangor, Ustaz Zawawi/
Para peserta dan jemputan program menjamu selera. Pengasas Darul Wardah Ustazah Hazlina menyampaikan agihan daging kepada ahli-ahli Darul Wardah yang terdiri dari para mualaf dan fakir miskin.
2.00 ptg
Majlis selesai dan para peserta bersurai.
Laporan disediakan oleh :
Effendy Bin Zulkifly
Setiausaha Kerja ABIM Selangor.
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