Isnin, Februari 08, 2010

Right Angle

In mathematics, Right angle = (Sudut Tegak) = 90 degree.

but, in photography, Right angle means taking photograph at right angle, at a right time.

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Menilai Meja Kopi

secebis artikel berkenaan sembang kedai kopi, daripada minda Dr Maza; Menilai meja Kopi

"...Memang jika kita duduk berbincang tajuk-tajuk yang membabitkan masa depan umat Islam, negara dan rakyat Malaysia sedemikian dengan jiwa yang ikhlas dan mengharapkan kebaikan masa depan dakwah, umat dan rakyat, terlalu lazat dan enak rasanya. Ia meresap dalam jiwa masing-masing. Pembentangan pemikiran, fakta dan penilaian amat mengasyikkan. Bagaikan dibuai angin yang sepoi-sepoi bahasa, waktu berlari selaju meter tajuk-tajuk yang dibincangkan.

Bilik sewaan MSD, meja kopi di Café Italy, Malaysia Hall dan kedai buku terpakai yang kami bertawaf dalamnya menyaksikan berbagai pandangan, impian, hasrat dan kerisauan tentang masa depan Malaysia. Senda gurau dan lawak jenaka menyulami perbincangan di sana sini. Demikian kami dan sahabat-sahabat kami yang lain. Demikian juga saya yakin kebanyakan pembaca sekelian. Berbual dan bersembang bukan tiada faedahnya. Cumanya, apakah yang patut kita isi dalam perbualan dan pertemuan antara kita.

Saya catat hal ini bukan untuk menunjukkan apa yang kami lakukan. Orang lain lakukan lebih baik dari kami. Cumanya, saya ingin ingatkan pembaca tentang kepentingan tajuk ini. Manusia ini secara umumnya makhluk bersosial. Kita inginkan teman dan rakan untuk meluahkan perasaan dan mendengar pandangan. Kadang-kala kopi dan teh hanyalah hiasan hidangan, ‘sembang-sembang’ itu yang penting. Ramai orang membazir masa sahaja kalau bersembang.

Ya, bersembang kosong memang membazir masa, bahkan kadang-kala menempah berbagai dosa. Namun berbual bersama teman, apatah lagi dengan insan-insan yang berilmu banyak faedahnya. Perbualan yang diisi dengan ilmu dan nasihat serta lontaran cadangan dan idea yang baik, amatlah diperlukan oleh insan yang ingin membangun. Meja kopi dan teh boleh menjadi meja ilmu dan nasihat menasihati kepada kebenaran dan kesabaran atas amanah perjuangan seperti yang diajar oleh Surah al-‘Asr.

Diriwayatkan Al-Imam Abu Yusuf Ya’kub bin Ibrahim iaitu ilmuwan besar sahabat al-Imam Abu Hanifah ketika sakit hendak meninggal dunia masih lagi berbual tentang ilmu. Ketika muridnya Ibrahim bin al-Jarrah menziarahinya di dapati beliau pitam kesakitan. Namun apabila beliau sedar sahaja dan melihat wajah muridnya itu, terus dia berbincang dengan muridnya tersebut mengenai hukum syarak. Muridnya berkata:
“Apakah pada waktu yang sebegini?”. Kata Abu Yusuf: “Tak mengapa, kita kaji, mana tahu barangkali menyelamatkan seseorang”. Selepas perbincangan, anak muridnya hendak keluar, tetapi apabila sampai sahaja ke pintu, beliau mendengar tangisan yang hadir tanda gurunya itu telah meninggal dunia. (Abu Ghuddah, Qimah al-Zaman ‘Inda ‘Ulama, m.s 15).

Ini ilmuwan dan begitulah kita jika ingin mendapatkan ilmu. Sebab itu duduk berbual dan berbicara dengan ilmuwan merupakan perkara yang terpuji dalam agama ini. Pergi berjumpa ilmuwan, mendampingi mereka, mendengar pandangan mereka, mengambil faedah dari hikmah dan ketajaman minda mereka dapat membentuk dan membangunkan seseorang.

‘Auf bin ‘Abdillah pernah berkata kepada isteri sahabat Nabi s.a.w Abu Dardak iaitu Umm al-Dardak:
“Apakah kami duduk bersama engkau menyebabkan engkau jemu?”. Jawabnya: “Aku telah berusaha agar setiap perkara menjadi ibadah. Tiada yang lebih mengubati jiwaku dari duduk bersama ulama” (Al-Nawawi, Tahzib al-Asma wa al-Lughat, 1/953).

Perbualan boleh menjadi ibadah jika isi kandungannya mengingatkan kita kepada kebenaran dan kesabaran atas jalan Allah. Ia membangunkan minda dan jiwa. Sepatutnya, setiap kita ambil kesempatan ini. Sekalipun jika tiada ilmuwan atau cerdik pandai besar dalam perbualan kita, kita mesti berusaha menjadikan perbincangan atau ‘meja kopi’ kita dihiasi dengan perkataan dan pandangan yang berusaha kepada kebaikan dan pembangunan pemikiran. Setiap orang dengan kadar ilmunya berbicara kepada rakan apa yang dipelajari dan didapati dari bahan-bahan ilmu yang baik. Maka berfaedahlah waktu makan dan minum kita ketika bersama rakan dan sahabat handai.

Ramai dalam kalangan kita yang tidak menjadikan meja kopinya meja ilmu. Apabila duduk dengan teman dan rakan mereka jadikan perbualan kosong yang tidak membangunkan minda dan jiwa mencuri peruntukan umur yang diberikan kepada mereka. Berbual dan bersenda bukanlah dilarang. Agama ini bukannya sempit dan jumud. Namun setiap perkara dengan kadarnya.

Jika setiap kali duduk di meja kopi dipenuhi dengan perbualan kosong, atau dusta atau menyakitkan orang lain tanpa alasan yang benar adalah melampaui batasan agama. Setiap kita patut meninggalkan meja yang seperti itu. Rosaknya sesetengah masyarakat melayu kerana ‘meja kopi’ yang menelan umur dan membazir hayat.

Tajuk-tajuk perbincangan yang tidak memberikan faedah pada diri ataupun masyarakat bahkan merosakkan diri dan orang lain sering memenuhi kedai kopi kita. Samada pada waktu pagi, ataupun ketika rehat bekerja, meja kopi menjadi tempat membazir pahala dan mengumpul dosa. Ada yang lupa hal diri dan keluarga sendiri, sibuk hal orang lain di kedai kopi. Tanpa rasa malu pada diri, apatah lagi kepada Allah yang memberikan umur kepadanya sanggup pergi balik ke kedai kopi untuk mencari ‘rakan bual kosong’ bagaikan orang ketagihan candu.

Di kampung-kampung orang melayu bukan sedikit hal yang demikian. Dari situ munculnya berbagai bisikan dan gossip dalam masyarakat kita. Sudahlah taukeh kedai pun tidak untung seberapa dengan secawan kopi tetapi duduk berjam-jam. Keluarga pula terabai. Masa yang dibazirkan di meja kopi itu jika dikumpulkan, barangkali orang melayu sudah mampu menguasai ekonomi negara ini.

Namun, lawatilah kedai-kedai kopi di sesetengah tempat. Di penuhi dengan ‘kaki-kaki lepak’ yang sebahagian sudah menjelang umur senja. Jika anak muda Melayu ramai yang suka lepak, orang tua-tua melayu yang suka lepak pun peratusnya pun bukan sedikit dalam masyarakat kita.

Sebab itu al-Quran melarang perbuatan lagha atau sia-sia dalam bicara yang berfaedah.

Firman Allah:
(maksudnya) Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman. Juga mereka yang khusyuk dalam solatnya. Juga mereka yang menjauhkan diri dari yang lagha” (Surah al-Mukminun, ayat 1-3). 

Kata al-Imam al-Sa’di dalam tafsirnya: “Lagha itu perkataan yang tiada kebaikan dan tiada faedah”.
Bersembang, berbual dan duduk di meja kopi bukan salah. 
Namun pengisiannya itu mestilah diislamisasikan. 
Jangan jadikan ia meja ‘lagha’ atau sia-sia. 
Jangan jadikan ia meja dosa. Jadikan ia meja pahala. 
Meja yang membangunkan minda. 
Membangunkan ilmu dan kebaikan, bukan membangunkan kejahatan dan mensia-siakan umur. 

Jika tidak mampu jadikan ia meja kebaikan, lebih baik tinggalkan sahaja!!


Sabtu, Februari 06, 2010

mom, can i borrow RM 50?

A woman came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find her 5-year old son waiting for her at the door.

SON: 'Mummy, may I ask you a question?'

MUM: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the woman.

SON: 'Mummy, how much do you make an hour?'

MUM: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the woman said angrily.

SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'

MUM: 'If you must know, I make RM 50 an hour.'

SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.

SON: 'Mummy, may I please borrow RM 25?'

The mother was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.

The woman sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?

After about an hour or so, the woman had calmed down, and started to think:

Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that RM 25 and he really didn't ask for money very often . The woman went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

'Are you asleep, son?' She asked.

'No Mummy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.

'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the woman. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the RM 25 you asked for.'

The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you Mummy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.

The woman saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.

The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his mother.

'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the mother grumbled.

'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.

'Mummy, I have RM 50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'

The mother was crushed. She put his arms around her little son, and she begged for his forgiveness. 



1) It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that RM 50 worth of your time with someone you love. 

2) If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.

Satellite camera view

 Niagara Falls 

The image shows the Niagara River that connects Lake Erie to Lake Ontario , 
snaking around Goat Island , in the lower left of the full image. 
Most of the river's water plummets over the Canadian/Horseshoe Falls, 
but some diverted water spills over American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls 
downstream. Every second, more than two million liters of water plunges
 over the Horsehoe Falls segment of Niagara Falls creating one of 
the world's largest waterfalls as well as eating away as much as two 
meters of rock per year. The image was acquired August 2, 2004.

Tsunami strikes the coast of 
Sri Lanka 

This is a natural color, 60-centimeter (2-foot) high-resolution QuickBird satellite image
 featuring the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka . Imagery was collected on 
December 26, 2004 at 10:20 a.m. local time, slightly less than four hours after
 the 6:28 a.m. (local Sri Lanka time) earthquake and shortly after the moment of tsunami impact. 

Ground Zero, New York City 

This one-meter resolution satellite image of Manhattan , New York was collected at 11:43 a.m. 
EDT on Sept. 12, 2001 by Space Imaging's IKONOS satellite. The image shows an area of 
white and gray-colored dust and smoke at the location where the 1,350-foot towers of 
the World Trade Center once stood. Since all airplanes were grounded over the U.S. 
after the attack, IKONOS ! was the only commercial high-resolution camera
 that could take an overhead image at the time. 
Grand Canyon 

Northern Arizona and the Grand Canyon are captured in this pair of Multi-angle Imaging 
Spectroradiometer (MISR) images from December 31, 2000. The above image is a true color 
view from the nadir (vertical) camera. In addition to the Grand Canyon itself, which is visible 
in the western (lower) half of the images, other landmarks include Lake Powell , on the left, 
and Humphreys Peak and Sunset Crater National Monument on the right. Meteor Crater 
appears as a small dark depression with a brighter rim, and is just visible along 
the upper right-hand edge. 

Malosmadulu Atolls , 

North and South Malosmadulu Atolls are in the Maldives , an island republic in the
 northern Indian Ocean, southwest of India . The Maldives are made up of a chain! of 1,192 small
 coral islands, which are grouped into clusters of atolls.. It has a total area of 298 square 
kilometers and a population of about 330,000. The capital and largest city is Male, 
with a population of about 80,000. Arguably the lowest-lying country in the world, 
the average elevation is just 1 meter above sea level. The natural-color ASTER image 
of the Malosmadulu Atolls was acquired on December 22, 2002, and is centered near
 5.3 degrees North latitude, 73.9 degrees West longitude. 
Ayers Rock (Uluru), Australia 

This IKONOS satellite image of Ayers Rock was collected Jan. 17, 2004. Ayers Rock is located
 in Kata TjutaNational Park , 280 miles (450km) southwest of Alice Springs , Australia . 
It is the world's largest monolith, an Aboriginal sacred site and Australia 's most famous
 natural landmark. 
Noah's Ark Site? 

Is it or isn't it? Satellite images of Mt. Ararat , Turkey have pointed to a possible sighting 
of Noah's Ark. Decide for yourself! Compare this image taken by Digital Globe
 on September 10, 2003 with Shamrock -- The Trinity Corporation's image (enlarge).
 Also, note their image is flipped. 

Nile River 

This image of the northern portion of the Nile River was captured by the Multi-angle 
Imaging Spectroradiometer's (MISR's) nadir camera on January 30, 2001. 
Against the barren desert of northeastern Africa, the fertile valley of the Nile River runs
 northward through Egypt . The city of Cairo can be seen as a gray smudge right where the river 
widens into its broad fan-shaped delta. Other cities are dotted across the green landscape, 
giving it a speckled appearance. Where the Nile empties into the Mediterranean Sea (top) 
the waters are swirling with color, likely a mixture of sediment, organic matter, and possibly
 marine plant life. Farther west! , the bright blue color of the water is likely less-organically rich
 sediment, perhaps sand. 

City Lights 

This image of Earth's city lights, captured on October 19, 2000, was created with data from 
the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS).
 The brightest areas of the Earth are the most urbanized, but not necessarily the most populated. 
Cities tend to grow along coastlines and transportation networks. The United States interstate 
highway system appears as a lattice connecting the brighter dots of city centers.
 In Russia , the Trans-Siberian railroad is a thin line stretching from Moscowthrough the center
 of Asia to Vladivostok . The Nile River , from the Aswan Dam to the Mediterranean Sea ,
 is another bright thread through an otherwise dark region. 
Mount St. Helens , Washington 

On a Space Station expedition, astronauts observed and captured this detailed image of 
the volcano's summit caldera. In the center of the crater sits a lava dome that is 876 feet above
 the crater floor and is about 3,500 feet in diameter. The dome began to form after 
the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens . After the eruption, there was not any dome 
building eruptions for more than a decade. Afternoon lighting accents the flow features
 in the volcanic and debris flows and the steep valleys eroded into the loosely consolidated 
material near the summit. This picture was taken on October 25, 2002 

The Great Pyramid, Giza , Egypt 

there i fixed it












1) innovative is something creative plus crazy.. it's a question of people accepted it or not... but, problem is solved!