Rabu, April 28, 2010

Leading the Way

Sunday April 25, 2010
Leading the way
Teacher Talk

The country’s education system can progress only if it is led by those who are willing to acknowledge their own inadequacies, rectify them and move forward.

FOR many of us school teachers who have been around for quite a while, incompetent leadership at many levels of the education system is something that we have encountered so frequently that we may have subconsciously accepted it as the way things naturally are.

You don’t question why, you just move along doing the best you can given the circumstances. Then there are times that even when the truth stares so squarely in our faces, we fail to acknowledge it.

Perhaps our senses have gotten so used to mediocrity and inadequacies on the part of those above us that we have given up expecting anything more. In fact ,we may have even forgotten that alternatives are possible.

We know that it is not the qualities that define a leader that put them there in the first place.

Lack of vision

We sense the deficiency, the lack of vision and purpose, the unclear definition of goals, the absence of charisma and dynamism. We cannot feel the strength of character that spills over from leader to follower, nor the spirit that inspires, encourages and defines the paths and purposes of their efforts. And yet, despite sensing these things, we often sink back either in apathy or resignation, knowing that there is not one thing we can do about it.

Besides, things are quite comfortable the way they are. We don’t want head-teachers or administrators breathing down our necks endlessly with their relentless, fault-finding missions. We also do not need them coming up with some new-fangled programmes or ideas that would increase our already precariously tilting, overloaded work-cart.

No thanks. We are quite content with our administrators and heads.We know our job and we know how to get it done, and it doesn’t matter who is officially above us. But does it really not matter who leads us when so much has been talked and argued about teachers’ present duties and the deep dissatisfaction caused by the unyielding burden of documentation?

Sometimes,  it is hard to shake off the demon of skepticism that sits on our shoulders reminding us of past promises of relief that never came to pass because they crashed halfway into the barriers set up by individuals, who despite being unclear of the concept, occupied certain places of authority in the system.

We can’t help wondering why it is that new policies or programmes that seem so fundamentally and intrinsically good when they are announced, eventually get watered down to mere words and numbers on papers for documentation purposes.

Flawed messages

Then there are times you wonder who are the leaders above the leaders? Has something been lost in translation. Has the cascading principle of getting information across resulted in more and more diluted residues reaching the real level of implementation? Is it due to the vision problems of the leaders along the way whose job it is to ensure the wholeness and purity of the message reaching us? Or, is the message itself flawed, drawn up by leaders who lack true understanding of education, who have never skimmed beyond the surface of our educational philosophy?

The average Malaysian government school teacher is not in the position to decide on who becomes her school principal, who heads her panel, or department. Neither can she decide who is in charge of other departments in the nation’s education network. In other words, “ours is not to question why”, although the questions sometimes loom over our heads in black, clouds that threaten to split open anytime.

No one wants authoritarian megalomaniacs, but no one wants an ineffectual and indecisive leader either. But even what we want is dependent on us, whether we have become so comfortable with the insipidity of the situation that we have ourselves suffered a loss of vision and fail to see the deficiency.

We have failed to see that we need leaders who can lead. Leaders who are truly competent, who know what they are doing, who have a honest passion for the education of the children of their nation, formulate all their rules and policies, their curriculum and programmes around these goals, rather than personal ambition, pride, and egotism.

Knowing the direction

What after all defines a leader? It is not enough to sit in an ivory tower and point the way. Inspirational author, Oswald Sanders says that we can only lead others as far along the road as we ourselves have travelled. A leader has to know the road so clearly that he is able to pull others after him.

He has to have the capacity to inspire and to influence. So how do we get these leaders. It is after all so easy to theorise and say grand-sounding words, but how do we actually ensure that we have leaders of such calibre if they really do exist in the first place???

We are often told that true leaders are made, not born and that the mantle of leadership requires a lifetime of exercise. There are some however who look upon the position of leadership as part of a “rehabilitation” exercise.

They feel that allowing a totally unsuitable, incompetent candidate to be in the position of leadership will shake him up, turn his path around and transform him. That is also why there are schools that have allowed students with long discipline records and no evidence of leadership potential, into positions of student leadership.

What they may fail to realise is that incompetence often breeds incompetence. We do not promote people to leadership position because we feel sorry for them or in hopes that it will cause them to turn around.

A leadership position is not rehabilitation grounds nor a half-way house. Followers of leaders are often constrained by the boundaries of the leader’s own potential. This could also be the reason why many teachers who started out with such fire in their souls became cold and frustrated. They were fenced in by the limitations of those above them. Authority we respect, look up to, believe in and be confident with. It provides structure in our lives and defines our role, and direction.

We want the authority of leaders with integrity who confirm our deepest sense of justice.

In time, perhaps some of us will also hold positions of authority in various departments of education. And it is vital that we look upon that position not as one that allows us to lord over others, or to flaunt our supposed superior capabilities. Rather, it should be perceived as one in which you are best able to serve the purposes of education with the humbleness that comes from knowing that no matter how much you know or have achieved, you can never quite completely arrive.

(source: TheStar)

Isnin, April 26, 2010

Salam Perkhabaran

Untuk adik-adik SYABAB Nurul Iman yang dikasihi dan diingati;

Salam perkhabaran,

Semoga semua sekali berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat.

Apa pun, perkhabaran ini menandakan sudah 1 tahun berlalu, sejak kita bersama-sama mengadakan program SMART INSAN 2009, di SK Kebun Baru. Ya, 1 tahun lamanya, kali terakhir kita berusrah di Masjid Nurul Iman… pejam-celik, anda masing-masing berada di pelbagai lapangan dalam meniti kehidupan yang sedang belajar dan bersedia untuk masuk ke masyarakat semula sebagai apa sahaja insan yang kalian pilih, dalam sedikit masa lagi. Pada waktu itu, mungkin 3-4 tahun dari sekarang, kalian akan berhasil menjadi seperti yang kalian idamkan. Mungkin akan bergelar Doktor, jurutera, guru, ahli farmasi, juru rawat, technician, akauntan, ahli ekonomi, bisnesman, dan bermacam-macam lagi kemungkinan. Maka, selamat meneruskan usaha dalam menjadi mukmin profesional terbaik satu hari nanti. Biar apa pun lapangan kita, yang penting, khidmat kita akan diperlukan kelak oleh setiap umat Islam di seluruh pelusuk dunia, khususnya di daerah Kuala Langat ini.

Masih ingatkah kalian, makna SMART Insan? akronimnya, Solat, Motivasi, Adab, Rakan, dan Tekun; Ingat? Saya doakan kalian perkukuhkan asas dalam menjadi insan terbaik dengan memperkukuhkan tiang Agama dengan bersolat 5 waktu sehari semalam, seterusnya terus bermotivasi dalam mengejar cita-cita dan impian; Dr HM Tuah kata, soalnya ‘Nak ke Tak Nak’.  Seterusnya, menjadi yang terbaik dengan menjaga Adab, dan akhlak sebagai seorang muslim. Asasnya, matlamat harus kena dengan caranya.  Seharusnya, punya rakan sebaya, rakan mentor, mahupun rakan protege, dan juga rakan sparring, yang mampu memberikan refleksi cerminan kepada pencapaian kita, dan akhir sekali, konsisten; istiqamah atau Ketekunan dalam mengejar kejayaan; bukan asal berjaya; kita mahukan kejayaan yang gemilang.

Tidak dilupakan juga, kawan-kawan dan adik-adik kita yang masih menuntut di sekolah, dan sudah tentu, yang berada di perkarangan rumah di Kebun Baru ini, juga perlukan kasih sayang dan belaian dari kalian, untuk menjadi contoh, role model, dan teladan kepada mereka. Percayalah, ramai daripada kalian, boleh, mampu dan sedang dijadikan inspirasi oleh adik-adik kita ini, malahan, ada juga kalangan rakan-rakan kita yang dalam diam, admire pada pencapaian kita. Nasihat saya, usah berkecil jiwa, usah malu, dan inilah masanya, kalian menyusun semula langkah untuk kembali berbakti pada tempat kita, asal ada masa yang boleh kalian luangkan; kalau segan secara berseorangan, pilih lah secara berjamaah. Kalau tidak di alam fana, boleh juga di alam maya. Bagi saya, saya akan pilih jalan berjemaah; kerana saya juga seorang yang pemalu! Kata orang, Mahu, tapi malu. Mahu untuk menabur budi, tapi malu untuk memulakannya. Saya bimbang, takut-takut, nanti tidak sempat untuk berbuat bakti, dipanggil pula oleh Illahi... kan sayang... Kalian bagaimana? Mana mungkin berbudi di alam Barzakh?

Untuk pengetahuan kalian, PEPIAS Kuala Langat, dan ABIM Kuala Langat, 2 beradik ini, masih beroperasi secara kecil-kecilan. Nak kata ada, macam tak ada. Nak kata tidak ada, masih ada yang bernyawa. Hidup segan, mati tak mahu; Ngeri pula bunyinya. Kami di sini, perlukan tenaga muda dan berjiwa besar. Ingin melatih kembali generasi Rabbani, generasi Penerus yang akan turut sama punya idealisme perjuangan, dan pada masa yang sama, punya semangat aktivisme dalam mencorakkan masa depan negara. Idealisme harus dipraktiskan secara aktivisme; disisipi dengan spiritualisme yang kukuh melalui tarbiyah usrah, tamrin, dan lain-lain lagi, yang seharusnya membutuhkan suatu tempoh masa yang lama untuk membentuk fikrah yang terbaik dalam suatu kerangka Tauhid, MengEsakan Allah, mengangkat Sunnah Rasulullah, dan menegakkan Syiar Fisabilillah. Rumusan saya setakat ini, masih jauh perjalanan kita. Kayu ukurnya, adakah masyarakat sekitar, sedar akan kehadiran kita?

Saya Muhasabah diri; masih banyak lagi yang tidak dapat dilakukan. Kerdil rasanya bila menginsafi sendiri...

Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengajak kembali, rakan-rakan, adik-adik SYABAB NURUL IMAN sekelian, terutama diri saya sendiri, untuk menguatkan kembali asas gerakan kita, pulang ke Pengkalan, perkukuhkan Pengkalan kita apabila keletihan di Lapangan. Sesungguhnya, kita tidak berseorangan, dan percayalah, jalan ini adalah jalan para nubuwah, jalan para sahabat, jalan tabi’ tabiin, jalan orang-orang soleh terdahulu dari kita. Jalan Dakwah, tidak pernah senang; tidak pernah tanpa mehnah, tribulasi, dan cobaan. Kalau pada hari ini, kita sudah leka, dan lupa, maka, benarlah, iman kita sedang keletihan dan kelesuan. Jalan Dakwah perlukan pengorbanan. Ia adalah satu perjuangan hingga akhir nyawa kita. Mungkin sepanjang kalian bekenalan dengan SYABAB, dan mengikuti usrah kecil dan ringkas bersama saya, saya tidak mampu memberikan Motivasi, Iltizam dan Idealisme yang mampu menyerap ke dalam jiwa kalian, Ampun Maaf dipinta atas kelemahan saya. InsyaAllah, kita sama-sama belajar dalam menjadi Khalifah terbaik di atas muka bumi ini.

Aturkan perjalanan fisabilillah kita dengan kemas dan teratur. Hubungi mana-mana rakan-rakan usrah, dan seterusnya bertanyakan “Apa yang saya boleh bantu?” atau “Apa yang boleh saya sumbangkan?” Teringat pesan guru saya dahulu; Jika saki baki masa kita, kita serahkan untuk perjuangan Islam, maka, hasilnya juga adalah saki baki sahaja. Terkesan atas amanat itu, hingga hari ini, saya masih cuba untuk menambah baik Masa Kualiti (Quality Time) bersama dalam Gerakan Dakwah. Kualiti perbincangan usrah akan ditambah baik dengan persediaan tafsir Hadis dan Tafsir Ayat Quran, serta perkembangan isu semasa yang akan dikupas dengan lebih baik, dan bukan berbincang secara sembrono dan sewenang-wenangnya. Isu-isu picisan boleh juga dibincangkan bergantung kepada mad’u yang memerlukan keringanan dalam tasawwur yang berbeza. Prinsipnya, mudahkan mana yang susah, kerana yang utama dalam Usrah adalah kebersamaan, kemudian, baru keilmuan. Soalnya, bilakah kali terakhir anda berusrah? Kesian dengan jiwa rohani kita, kelaparan apabila kita tidak hidangkan santapan rohani untuk jiwa kita.

Semoga warkah Salam yang telah lama tersimpan dalam rasa kerinduan yang amat dalam, melihat dan berjumpa semula dengan adik-adik dan rakan-rakan SYABAB, terasa masih banyak lagi yang mahu dicoretkan. Mujur juga kita berada dalam zaman siber yang segalanya hanya dihujung jari. Yang jauh, kita dekatkan, Yang dekat, kita Serasi-serasikan. Kita serasikan dalam selimut Ukhuwah Fi Llah.

Salam perkhabaran dari Putrajaya.
Salam Ukhuwah,
Salam sayang,
Salam kasih,

Radin Muhd Imaduddin b Radin Abdul Halim

Khamis, April 22, 2010

Pendikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial (PKReSo)

1.     Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial di sekolah
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia telah melaksanakan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial (dikenali sebagai Pendidikan Seksualiti sebelum ini) sejak tahun 1989 bagi sekolah menengah dan pada 1994 di sekolah rendah.   Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial diajar khususnya melalui kurikulum Pendidikan Kesihatan dan amnya melalui kurikulum pelbagai mata pelajaran iaitu bahasa, Biologi, Sains, Sains Tambahan, Pendidikan Moral dan Pendidikan Islam.  Semua murid mengikuti Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial dari Tahun 1 hingga Tingkatan 5. 
Kurikulum Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial diajar dalam pelbagai aspek melalui mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kesihatan dan tidak hanya tertumpu kepada isu seksual semata-mata. Kurikulum pendidikan ini disemak dan ditambah baik dari semasa ke semasa untuk merealisasikan hasrat melahirkan murid yang bertanggungjawab, membuat keputusan yang bijak dan berakhlak ke arah amalan gaya hidup sihat serta menghindari tingkah laku berisiko.
2.      Kepentingan penglibatan ibu bapa
Peranan dan penglibatan ibu bapa di sekolah amat penting dalam membantu keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran kurikulum Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial yang dijalankan oleh guru. Sikap keterbukaan ibu bapa dalam membincangkan hal-hal berkaitan seksualiti dengan anak-anak mereka sendiri dan sokongan mereka kepada guru secara tidak langsung akan dapat membantu keberkesanan kurikulum Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial di sekolah. Kesediaan ibu bapa boleh mengurangkan sensitiviti yang mengiringi isu seksualiti supaya ia diterima dalam perspektif tepat dan sihat. Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) boleh memainkan peranan penting dalam menambah tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan berkaitan seksualiti. 
3.      Bahan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum, KPM telah menyediakan pelbagai bahan Pendidikan Kesihatan Reproduktif dan Sosial yang terdiri daripada modul-modul umum dan khusus mengenai seksualiti. Antaranya :
a)               Modul 1 : Aspek Fizikal
b)               Modul 2 : Aspek Sosial
c)               Modul 3 : Gender
d)               Modul 4 : Penyakit Jangkitan Seks
e)               Modul 5 : HIV/AIDS
f)                Modul Seksualiti dan Saya
g)               Modul Latihan Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV/AIDS
h)               Modul Kemahiran Kecekapan Psikososial Dalam Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV dan AIDS
Sinopsis perincian kandungan setiap modul tersebut di atas adalah seperti dalam Lampiran 1.
Lampiran 1
 Modul 1 :
Aspek Fizikal
Berfokus kepada sistem reproduktif lelaki dan perempuan, perubahan fizikal, emosi dan psikologi yang berlaku semasa akil baligh serta proses fisiologi persenyawaan dan kelahiran manusia.
Modul 2 :
Aspek Sosial
Meliputi tajuk tingkah laku seksual, seksualiti alam kanak-kanak dan remaja serta kasih sayang.
Modul 3 :
Berkenaan jangkaan peranan; peranan lelaki, peranan perempuan dan stereotaip jantina.
Modul 4 :
Penyakit Jangkitan Seks
Membincangkan pelbagai jenis penyakit hubungan seksual dan asal usulnya, simptom, kesan, pengujian dan pencegahan dalam konteks masalah sosial dan perubatan.
Modul 5 :
Membantu murid memperolehi pengetahuan asas tentang HIV dan AIDS, memupuk tingkah laku bertanggungjawab dari segi penangguhan seks serta penjagaan dan sokongan.
Modul Seksualiti dan Saya
Kemahiran yang perlu dikuasai oleh murid. Antaranya:
i.        Pengetahuan
ii.       Kemahiran asertif
iii.      Kemahiran penyelesaian masalah
iv.     Kemahiran mengenal pasti keadaan dan situasi berisiko
v.      Kemahiran bertanggungjawab dan pilihan bijak
vi.     Kemahiran mendapatkan bantuan
vii.    Penghargaan kendiri
Modul Latihan Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV/AIDS
Modul ini mengandungi beberapa submodul seperti berikut:
            Modul 1
Impak dan Respons Secara Global Terhadap HIV/AIDS
            Modul 2
Siapakah yang Dijangkiti HIV/AIDS?
Modul 3
Modul 4
Melindungi Diri daripada AIDS
Modul 5
Bekerjsama dalam Komuniti
Modul 6
Integrasi Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV/AIDS dalam Kurikulum
Modul 7
Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran, Teknik Kemahiran Diri dan Media dalam Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV/AIDS
Modul 8
Alat Penilaian Untuk Kegunaan Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV/AIDS
Modul Kemahiran Kecekapan Psikososial Dalam Pendidikan Pencegahan HIV dan AIDS
Modul ini mengandungi pendekatan kemahiran kecekapan psikososial (life skills) dalam menangani masalah sosial dan mencegah jangkitan seksual termasuk HIV dan AIDS, serta amalan sikap positif dalam kehidupan seharian.

Rabu, April 21, 2010

Gifted Student and Learning Approach

How to Spot a Gifted Student

Working with a gifted student can be both a joy and a frustration. To understand why, we need to be clear about definitions. A gifted student is one whose intelligence - typically described as an IQ score resulting from one or more tests - is 130 or above. That is, giftedness is a measure of innate ability, not performance. The result is a paradox.
A motivated student who works hard, gets straight "A"s, and behaves well in class may not be gifted.
A student who doesn't perform well, is disruptive, and clowns around in class may well be gifted.
Gifted students possess some common characteristics. Recognizing these general traits and understanding how they may reveal themselves in the classroom is an important step toward working effectively with this unique group of children.
Some of these behaviors are listed and described below. Positive traits are included along with those behaviors that may frustrate you as a teacher. If a student in your classroom exhibits these characteristics on a consistent basis, there is a good chance he or she is gifted.

The Gifted Student
· Asks many questions and is very curious
· Possesses a large amount of information
· Has a good memory
· Easily gets "off task" and "off topic"
· Is impatient when not called on in class

The Gifted Student
· Learns new information quickly
· Retains information easily
· Masters reading skills earlier
· Demonstrates strong abilities in math
· Displays unusual academic achievement
· Finishes classwork quickly
· Is easily bored
· Can become disruptive in class
· Shows strong resistance to repetitive activities and memorization
· Completes work quickly but sloppily

The Gifted Student
· Is interested in many things
· Becomes involved in a variety of activities
· Is motivated to try new things
· Enjoys a challenge
· May resist working on activities apart from areas of interest
· Leaves projects unfinished
· Takes on too much and becomes overwhelmed

The Gifted Student
· Thinks independently
· Expresses unique and original opinions
· Is self-motivated
· Challenges authority
· Does not handle criticism well
· Does not work well in groups

The Gifted Student
· Uses higher level thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
· Makes connections other students don't see
· Considers unusual approaches to problem-solving
· Tends to be absent-minded regarding practical details
· Forgets homework assignments

The Gifted Student
· Has a strong sense of justice
· Likes to debate current issues and real life problems
· Can be very critical of self and others
· Likes to argue a point
· Is a perfectionist and expects others to be perfect as well

The Gifted Student
· Has a sophisticated sense of humor
· Understands subtle humor
· Enjoys plays on words and satire
· Easily gets carried away with a joke
· Has a tendency to become the "class clown"

The Gifted Student
· Demonstrates strong expressive skills
· Is sensitive to feelings of others
· Elaborates on ideas
· Shows skill in drama/art/music/language
· Sometimes perceived as a "know-it-all" by peers
· Is sometimes "bossy" to peers in group situations

Accelerated Learning Frames

Teaching Frame
The teaching frame is the element that brings it all together into a harmonious flow. A strong frame gives the content structure, effectively taking students through a successful learning cycle. Dr. Lozanov's original process includes three phases:

  1. Prepare: Begin the class by preparing the students for learning. Plant early suggestions, including the ease of learning the material and an overview of content. Create a global picture and make connections with prior learning.
  2. Active: Give the students an experience of the learning. Create total learner involvement. This includes active concerts, hands-on activities, demonstrations and debrief.
  3. Passive: The lesson continues with reflection and review. Use this time for passive concerts and other review activities, followed by an appropriate close celebrating the learning.
As the chart shows, there are a number of successful frames for orchestrating Accelerated Learning. To give a better idea of how a frame works, the Quantum Learning teaching frame follows as an example. 

Quantum Learning Frame

  1. Enroll: Hook the students with an intriguing opening statement and global picture of the lesson. Pique their curiosity. Give them a glimpse of what is to come without revealing too much. Enrolling students establishes rapport and ignites a desire to explore.
  2. Experience: Give students an experience or activity that demonstrates the lesson. Create a need to know. An experience creates curiosity and emotional engagement. It allows students to tap into prior knowledge and make connections, adding meaning and relevance to the content.
  3. Label: Drop the "data" in at the moment of peak interest and discuss its relevance to students' lives. Explaining the lesson after the experience capitalizes on the student's natural desire to label, sequence and define new learning.
  4. Demonstrate: Provide opportunities for students to translate and apply their new knowledge to other situations. Giving students additional activities demonstrates to them what they know, and builds confidence.
  5. Review: Cement it in the students' minds. Review strengthens the neural connections, increasing retention.
  6. Celebrate: Celebrate your students' success. Celebration brings closure by honoring effort, diligence and success.

Values Education

The following is adapted from: Krathwohl, D., Bloom, B., & Masia, B. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook II: Affective domain. New York: David McKay.
The taxonomy was developed to organize levels of commitment. As such it could just as properly be discussed as a regulatory system issue in the model being presented here.

ReceivingBeing aware of or attending to something in the environment. A willingness to tolerate a phenomenon
eg: Person would listen to a lecture or presentation about a structural model related to human behavior.
eg Q; Would you like to join Math Club?

RespondingShowing some new behaviors as a result of experience. Voluntarily using the phenomenon.
eg: The individual would answer questions about the model or might rewrite lecture notes the next day.
egn Q; when you play games that involve score keeping, do you ever volunteer to keep score?

ValuingShowing some definite involvement or commitment. Prizing and acting on the phenomenon.
eg; The individual might begin to think how education may be modified to take advantage of some of the concepts presented in the model and perhaps generate a set of lessons using some of the concepts presented.
eg Q; Do you plan to take on Math next year when it becomes an elective?

OrganizationIntegrating a new value into one's general set of values, giving it some ranking among one's general priorities. Using values to determine interrelationships between the phenomena.
eg; This is the level at which a person would begin to make long-range commitments to arranging his or her instruction and assessment relative to the model.
eg Q; Have you ever thought, Math as an art?

Characterization by ValueActing consistently with the new value. Organizing values, beliefs, ideas, and attitudes into an internally consistent system.
eg; At this highest level, a person would be firmly committed to utilizing the model to develop, select, or arrange instruction and would become known for that action.

(note: another Blooms taxonomy)

Kohlberg's perspective views the person as: 
1) An active initiator and a reactor within the context of his or her environment; the individual cannot fully change the environment, but neither can the environment fully mold the individual
2) A person's actions are the result of his or her feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. Although the environment can determine the content of one's experiences, it cannot determine its form. 
3) Genetic structures already inside the person are primarily responsible for the way in which a person internalizes the content, and organizes and transforms it into personally meaningful data.

Level 1: Preconventional- behavior is determined by rewards and punishments
Big Q; What is best for me?
Level 2: Conventional- behavior is controlled by anticipation of praise or blame.
Big Q; What will others think?
Level 3: Post Conventional- behavior is regulated by principles embodying generality and comprehensiveness
Big Q; What is the right thing to do?

Why a person obey A STOP sign?
Level 1 answer - to avoid getting fine
Level 2 answer - to avoid criticism from others and to avoid breaking law
Level 3 answer - to avoid hurting others.

Gilligan (1977, 1982) critiqued Kohlberg's work based on his exclusive use of males in his original theoretical work. Based on her study of girls and women, she proposed that females make moral decisions based on: 

1) The development of the principle of care rather than on justice as Kohlberg had proposed. Whereas Kohlberg identified autonomous decision making related to abstract principles as the highest form of moral thinking, 
2) Girls and women are more likely to view relationships as central with a win-win approach to resolving moral conflicts as the highest stage

Isnin, April 19, 2010

Isu : Interfaith Commision

 1. Apakah Interfaith Commision (IFC)?
IFC yang nama asalnya ialah IRC - Inter Religous Council (IRC) adalah sebuah suruhanjaya yang dicadangkan penubuhannya seperti sebuah badan berkanun yang mempunyai kuasa undang-undang yang boleh mengubah ajaran sesetengah agama (baca: agama Islam) akibat desakan penganut agama lain. Badan ini berfungsi mirip sebuah mahkamah dan segala keputusannya adalah muktamad ke atas agama yang bersabit. IFC juga juga akan berfungsi seperti SUHAKAM yang menerima dan melayan aduan-aduan berkaitan dengan agama.
 2. Siapakah yang mencadangkan penubuhan IFC?

IFC digagaskan penubuhannya oleh Malaysian Consultative Council Of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism dan Sikhism (MCCBCHS) atau pun Majlis Perundingan Malaysia Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan Sikh melalui memorandumnya kepada Majlis Peguam bertarikh 21 Ogos, 2001. Presiden MCCBCHS ialah V. Harcharan Singh.
 3. Siapakah yang paling bersemangat sekali menyokong penubuhan IFC?

Majlis Peguam terutamanya Jawatankuasa Kecil Hak Asasi Manusia amat kuat menyokong penubuhan IFC dan amat berharap ia akan berjaya. Kronologinya seperti berikut:

  • Pada 8 Ogos, 2001, Majlis Peguam telah menerima satu memorandum daripada MCCBCHS mengenai perkara ini dan selepas itu ide penubuhan IRC berjalan dengan lancar.  
  • Pada 10 Disember, 2001, Majlis Peguam menganjurkan forum mengenai 'Kebebasan Beragama' dan menerbitkan jurnal khas bernama INSAF.
  • Pada 8 Disember, 2001 satu perayaan 'Festival of Rights' diadakan dengan tema 'Kebebasan Beragama'.
  • Pada 17 Mac, 2003 bengkel untuk menimbang keperluan wujudnya IRC diadakan. Bengkel ini gagal apabila ke semua NGO Islam menarik diri daripada terlibat dengan penubuhan suruhanjaya ini iaitu ABIM, ACCIN , JUST dan Sisters In Islam termasuk Dr Chandra Muzaffar yang menjadi antara orang awal yang mencadangkan dialog antara kepercayaan. Bagaimana pun Sisters In Islam kemudian menyertai semula dan menyokong penubuhan suruhanjaya ini.
  • Pada pertengahan tahun 2004, satu persidangan mengenai penubuhan IRC diadakan. Bagi menunjukkan wujudnya sokongan, penganjur seminar telah melantik kesemua ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Syariah Majlis Peguam sebagai ahli jawatankuasa penganjur tanpa pengetahuan mereka.
  • Mengemukakan draf ketiga undang-undang penubuhan IFC bertarikh Januari 2005 kepada persidangan cadangan penubuhan IFC.

 4. Apakah matlamat penubuhan IFC?
 Matlamat IFC ialah untuk meminda beberapa ajaran asas Islam yang bakal merugikan orang Islam dan berpihak kepada kepentingan orang-orang bukan Islam.
 5. Apakah tuntutan orang-orang bukan Islam yang dibuat melalui IFC?

  1. Seseorang anak yang dilahirkan oleh ibubapa Islam tidak seharusnya secara terus menjadi orang Islam.
  2. Orang-orang bukan Islam yang telah memeluk agama Islam hendaklah diberikan kebebasan untuk kembali kepada agama asal mereka (murtad) dan tidak boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
  3. Sebarang kes pertukaran agama orang Islam kepada bukan Islam tidak sepatutnya dikendalikan oleh mahkamah syariah tetapi dikendalikan oleh mahkamah sivil.
  4.  Tidak perlu dicatatkan di dalam kad pengenalan seseorang Muslim bahawa ia beragama Islam.
  5.  Orang bukan Islam tidak perlu dikehendaki menganut Islam sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang Islam. Orang Islam hendaklah dibenarkan keluar daripada Islam(murtad) sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang bukan Islam tanpa boleh dikenakan apa-apa tindakan undang-undang.
  6.  Seseorang atau pasangan suami isteri yang menukar agamanya dengan memeluk Islam tidak patut diberikan hak jagaan anak.
  7.  Orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan seorang yang memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan hak menuntut harta pesakanya selepas kematiannya.
  8. Kerajaan hendaklah menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk membina dan menyelenggara rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam sebagaimana kerajaan menyediakan dana yang serupa untuk masjid. Kerajaan juga perlu membenarkan pembinaan rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam tanpa perlu adanya peraturan-peraturan tertentu.
  9. Orang-orang bukan Islam hendaklah dibenarkan dan tidak boleh dihalang daripada menggunakan
  10. perkataan-perkataan suci Islam dalam percakapan dan sebagainya.
  11. Bible dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Indonesia sepatutnya dibenarkan untuk diedarkan kepada umum secara terbuka.
  12. Pelajaran agama bukan Islam untuk penganut agama itu hendaklah diajar di semua sekolah.
  13. Program-program berunsur Islam dalam bahasa ibunda sesuatu kaum hendaklah ditiadakan. Program dakwah agama lain selain Islam pula hendaklah dibenarkan untuk disiarkan dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing.
  14. Orang-orang Islam yang mem bayar zakat tidak sepatutnya dikecualikan daripada membayar cukai pendapatan dan wang hasil zakat sepatutnya digunakan juga untuk keperluan orang-orang bukan Islam.
  15. Sepatutnya Islam tidak disebut sebagai pilihan pertama masyarakat Malaysia seperti dalam soal pakaian menutup aurat kepada pelajar sekolah.

 6. Apakah bahayanya penubuhan IFC terhadap Islam?
Berdasarkan draf undang-undang penubuhan IFC, suruhanjaya ini jika ditubuhkan amat berbahaya kepada Islam dari sudut:

a) Membuka ruang seluas-luasnya untuk orang bukan Islam mencampuri hal ehwal agama Islam.
 IFC jelas sebuah suruhanjaya anti Islam. Ini adalah campurtangan orang bukan Islam dalam hal ehwal agama Islam. Hak perlembagaan bagi mengamalkan agama sendiri(Artikel 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan - Freedom of religion (Kebebasan beragama) tidak berlanjutan kepada mempersoalkan agama lain dan tidak sampai menuntut ajaran agama orang lain dipinda semata-mata untuk disesuaikan dengan kepentingan sendiri. Orang-orang bukan Islam berhak untuk menuntut hak mereka mengamalkan agama sendiri tetapi tidak sampai mempersoalkan dan campurtangan urusan agama Islam. Campurtangan ini amat bahaya. Perkara yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam hendaklah diselesaikan oleh mereka yang berkelayakan di dalam Islam sendiri.
b) Menjadikan undang-undang Allah mesti tunduk  kepada norma-norma antarabangsa yang dicipta oleh manusia yang menjejaskan aqidah.

Norma-norma antarabangsa tersebut ialah:

  • Deklarasi Hak Asasi Sejagat 1948
  • Konvensyen untuk menghapuskan semua jenis diskriminasi terhadap wanita (disahkan oleh Malaysia pada 5 Julai 1995)
  • Konvensyen mengenai hak kanak-kanak.
  • Deklarasi unt uk menghapuskan semua bentuk ketidaktoleransi dan diskriminasi berasaskan agama.
  • Deklarasi mengenai hak-hak orang untuk mempunyai kewargaan, sukukaum, agama dan bahasa minoriti.
  • Deklarasi Vienna dan plan tindakan.

Kesemua norma antarabangsa tersebut belum disahkan oleh Malaysia kecuali yang dinyatakan sebaliknya. IFC menuntut supaya agama mestilah mengikut ketentuan norma antarabangsa di atas. Norma antarabangsa tersebut tidak membezakan antara orang Islam dan bukan Islam. Bagi orang Islam, peraturan untuk kehidupan mereka bukan lagi Islam tetapi norma-norma antarabangsa tersebut yang dicipta oleh manusia. Apa sahaja ajaran Islam yang bertentangan dengan norma antarabangsa hendaklah dihapuskan. Ini bermaksud, Allah mesti tunduk kepada norma antarabangsa. Ini menjejaskan aqidah seorang Muslim.

c) Orang Islam bebas melakukan apa sahaja

Manusia adalah bebas. Begitu juga orang Islam adalah bebas. Mereka bebas melakukan apa sahaja termasuk mengamalkan ajaran agama lain tetapi masih boleh mengaku sebagai seorang Muslim atas nama kebebasan beragama. Kebebasan agama ini dijamin oleh norma antarabangsa di atas.

d) Orang Islam bebas untuk murtad

Deklarasi sejagat mengenai hak asasi manusia menyatakan 'setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk bebas berfikir, suara hati dan agama. Ini termasuk kebebasan menukar agama....(artikel 18)'. Ini bermaksud status sebagai seorang Muslim bukan ditentukan oleh Tuhan tetapi ditentukan oleh manusia. Berdasarkan norma antarabangsa, Islam tidak berhak menghalang penganutnya keluar daripada Islam kerana itu dibenarkan oleh norma antarabangsa.

e) IFC berhak menentukan status agama seseorang.

Seseorang yang ingin murtad boleh mengemukakan permohonannya kepada IFC. Permohonannya akan ditentukan oleh ahli-ahli IFC yang diantaranya adalah bukan Islam. Ini adalah campurtangan yang amat nyata dalam hal ehwal agama Islam. Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tidak berhak menolak permohonan seseorang untuk menukar nama daripada nama Islam kepada bukan Islam dengan alasan suatu percubaan untuk murtad. Jika permohonan ditolak ini menjejaskan keharmonian dan kebebasan beragama. Perkara ini terkandung di dalam seksyen 19(3) draf undang-undang IFC.

7. Apakah sikap kita?

Menentang sekeras-kerasnya penubuhan IFC. Kita sanggup mati demi agama kita. Penubuhannya bukan sekadar perlu ditangguhkan, tetapi jangan sama sekali dibenarkan. Semua saluran perlu digunakan untuk menghalang penubuhan IFC.

Khamis, April 15, 2010


Apabila ada penguatkuasa memerhati, 
orang dewasa tahu kesan akibatnya.

anak-anak di sekolah dan di dalam kelas; 
beza sungguh apabila di rumah. Kesan 'tempat' berbeza-beza 

Mendidik anak pun, perlu ada motivasinya 
atau hanya tunjukkan kesan-akibatnya.

Murid juga tahu dan cepat belajar 
kesan dan akibat tindakan mereka.

(source: kee's cartoon : the star)

Rabu, April 14, 2010

Confession of a Cikgu

Confessions of a Cikgu

Teacher Talk by NITHYA SIDHHU

(The Star, 11 April 2010)
A senior teacher talks about how she is fast losing her enthusiasm for the job because of the ever-increasing non-teaching chores she has to take on.
IT was recently announced that a committee, headed by Education Director-General Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom, and comprising representatives from various teachers’ unions, has been directed to look into complaints by teachers on how they have been burdened with other chores instead of focusing on their primary duty — teaching.
However, it is comforting to know that the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, has himself said that he feels that there is a basis to teachers’ concerns. He wants the committee to thrash out problems and get back to him with sound recommendations to improve the lot of teachers in the country. The deadline? Two months.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Teachers are looking forward to some positive and workable recommendations from the committee.
The story below is of a teacher with 27 years of experience whom I shall refer to as Tee. Tee loves sharing her knowledge with students. She even takes pride in class projects and thoroughly enjoys the interaction with her charges.
However, over the years, she has been burdened with paper work and has been constantly called to work on Saturday and dumped with more responsibilities.
Teachers are bogged down by unnecessary paper work which leaves them with little time to focus on teaching. — File photo
Such duties which can easily be carried out by a clerk, is taking a toll on Tee, 52, who is losing her enthusiasm for teaching. It will be a shame if the country has to lose dedicated teachers like her.
A steady job
Tee was born in a small town in Selangor, and is the eldest of 10 children. Tee’s father was a lorry driver and her mother, a rubber tapper. After completing her secondary school education, she decided to teach and had applied for a place in the then teacher training college (it is now known as teacher training institute).
“It had always been my ambition to be a teacher and my parents had no objections, so long as their eldest daughter had a steady job, or as they would refer to it, an ‘iron rice bowl’ job.”
However, before that materialised, she accepted a JPA (Public Services Commission) teaching scholarship at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Science and graduated with honours in 1983. She obtained a Diploma in Education from UKM the following year.
Tee started teaching in a secondary school in Karak, Pahang and had stints in Sekinchan, Sg. Pelek and Selayang all in Selangor, before she was posted to her present school in Petaling Jaya in 2004.
“When I began to teach in the eighties in small towns, students then were very simple and they respected their teachers.
They did not seek much outside help or tuition for the subjects they were weak in, as they do today.
“At that time, their only source of knowledge and solution to their problems lay in doing the homework we gave them in school.
“As such, the the teacher-student relationhip was good. I could actually chart the personal development my students made under my tutelage. We teachers were instrumental in shaping their personality and character,” she says proudly.
Tee does not mince her words when she is asked to comment on how teaching was like, more than two decades ago.
“Those days, all I had to do was to teach, guide and to get to know my students as well as I could. If there was paperwork, it was minimal.
“If you look at students today, you can see that, because of their exposure, they are more knowledgeable. They have higher expectations and demand more from their teachers. I even feel that some of them are very egotistical.”
There’s one aspect of her job that Tee feels has changed for the better — preparing and setting examination questions.
“It was a more difficult task back then, but now, with the advent of numerous workbooks, the computer and educational DVDs, the job has become so much easier.”
I ask her if she is satisfied being a teacher.Tee thinks hard before responding.
“When I first began teaching, my salary was very low but I was a happy teacher. Today, my salary is much higher, and rightfully I should be happy, but I am not.”
“The clerical work I have to do, is becoming unbearable. You see, as a Mathematics teacher, I already have a lot of preparation, planning and marking to do.
“Now, on top of that, there are many other deadlines to be met. All parties, including parents, the principal, colleagues and students have high expectations.”
As a ketua bidang (head of department), life at school is even more stressful for Tee.
She is in charge of several academic programmes and for her, the documentation and filing she has to oversee, is literally back-breaking.
At 52, and with menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flushes, plaguing her, Tee’s sentiments about school have not changed.
In fact, for the first time in her teaching career, she was stressed and worried when the new school year began in January.
“I was anxious about my work and the ever-increasing responsibilities for the entire year. Could I take all this and more for another year?” she asks with a frown.
Tee tells me of an ex-colleague who had just passed away due to breast cancer, and of another one, who was currently undergoing treatment for uterine cancer.
When Tee herself went for a mammogram recently at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), she was startled to hear from a nurse at the Radiotherapy Department that nine out of 10 patients undergoing chemotherapy at the hospital were teachers.
“Do you think it’s caused by stress?” she asks.
I found her question disturbing to say the least. Can it be?
Blank expressions
“You know,” she tells me, “I also find myself thinking a lot about my students these days. Sometimes, when I see ‘blank expressions’ on their faces, especially from those who are academically weaker, I wonder to myself ‘Why are they here? What do they feel about having to learn something that is not relevant to their daily life?
For some of them, Mathematics is such an alien subject that even I begin to wonder what I am doing with them. On top of that, I feel that students today have to learn too many subjects and this makes life very challenging for the weaker students.”
Tee is of the opinion that the Government should set up more vocational schools to provide living skills training to this group of students.
“At least then we can help produce our own skilled workers, rather than having to import them.”
Tee feels that these days, she is more like a clerk doing paperwork instead of spending time giving personal attention to her academically-challenged students.
“Just think. Each class has about 30 to 40 students, so to be efficient, one has to have classroom management skills too. With the type of students we have, it is no easy task managing them. Many young teachers are afraid when they have to enter a classroom.”
Tee also regrets that with her increasing workload, she has little time to mentor and guide young teachers at her school.
“These teachers lack experience badly, and I feel they need to be guided for at least a year.
“With senior teachers being bogged down with non-teaching duties, there is hardly any time to develop a young teacher’s potential, or help boost their self-confidence.
“Often, they just get thrown into the deep end of the pool and unlike us — the teachers of the older generation, who had so much more grit and resilience — this group of young teachers take a longer time to adjust and cope.”
Tee tells me that despite being graduates, many of them lack communicational skills.
“For the teaching of Science and Maths in the higher forms, young teachers simply aren’t competent in the language of instruction.
“Students then start complaining and parents start calling up the school demanding an explanation.”
Tee shakes her head. “If I’m given the choice today, I don’t think I’ll choose to be a teacher anymore. I’m not against teaching; I enjoy being with my students. In fact, I’m at my happiest when I’m in the classroom. But our job today isn’t just to teach and deal with students, is it?”
“Don’t get me wrong. In class, I still do all I can for my students. I know they view me as a stern person because I follow the rules and I mean business when I am teaching them. I’m a hardworking and responsible teacher.
“I do sometimes crack a joke or two, and we all laugh together. Sometimes I tell them stories about my difficult childhood and how I had to be like a mother to all my younger siblings — how I had to act responsibly even when I was just a teen and the amount of housework I had to do and how difficult life was for me.
“I know my students admire me for the determination I have shown through the years to make something of myself. We have a good relationship – my students and I. I am firm but kind. I even treat them with sweets and chocolates.”
Tee also shares with me what she thinks about her relationship with her students.
“Oh, without question - they are very bold, talkative and not as disciplined. They want to be treated as friends rather than as students. In class, they are quick with their comments and remarks.
“In fact, I get aggravated when my students are rude or indifferent.
“But, personally, I’m a cheerful person so I do let down my guard once in a while and have some fun with them. As a teacher, I realise that they have needs that I must meet.
“For their sake therefore, I have to be prepared mentally and emotionally, as well as be sound in my own knowledge, especially in the subject that I teach. So far, that has not been a problem with me.
“When they tell me that I’m the best Additional Mathematics teacher they’ve had, I feel truly rewarded.
“When they get good results in Maths, some of them have even hugged and thanked me for being their teacher.
“I like getting positive feedback from my students, and I must admit that I feel young because I’m always surrounded by them.
“So, you see, it’s not the teaching part I don’t like. It’s the other chores that get me down.”
I ask Tee what is the best compliment she has received as a teacher. She is wistful, but her answer moves me as it still does her.
“One of the happiest moments in my life was when a mother thanked me for helping her son to be a cheerful, confident young man.
“The mother told me that her relationship with her son had improved tremendously because of me. It felt very good that I had such an effect on someone’s life.”
Does Tee have any advice for young teachers?
“Be committed, be knowledgeable and be prepared for what you are supposed to do. Always remember that if you want your own children to be taught by good teachers, then be a good teacher to the children of others. What goes around comes around.”
On a serious note, Tee is already thinking of applying for optional retirement next year simply because of the ever-increasing non-teaching chores.