Selasa, Mac 09, 2010

Great thinking gives great result.


You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop 
and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1.An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2.An old friend who once saved your life.
3.The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose? 


The old lady of course! After helping the old lady into the car, you can give your keys to your 
friend, and wait with your perfect partner for the bus.

finding the right attitude

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the gem of their eyes. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for office so he asked his wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. His wife, preoccupied in the kitchen totally forgot the matter.
The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle fascinated by its color and drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital. He died.

The mother was stunned! She was terrified how she was going to face her husband. When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just five words.

1. What were the five words?
2. What is the implication of this story?

If you were the father, what would your words be when you meet the wife?
If you were the mother, what would your words be when you meet the husband?

The husband just said "I am with you Darling".

The husband's totally unexpected reaction is a proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life...
There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he had taken time to keep the bottle away, this would not have happened. No one is to be blamed. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her. If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer problems in the world.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears. And you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.

Very often we spend time in asking who is responsible or whom to be blamed, whether in a relationship, in a job, in school, in the family, or with the people we know when things go wrong. And, with this mental attitude, everything there after is bound to fail. Blame is the start of divide and discord. Blame never concord. But it is indeed very difficult to practice like in the story above because blame is anger or hate-based. And it blinds ! The mind justifies when it is clouded with blame.

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." – Winston Churchill

Sabtu, Mac 06, 2010

genius; potential of "SixthSense' Tech

At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data -- including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop".

Jumaat, Mac 05, 2010

Kembali lagi...

1) Bila sudah lama tidak menulis, banyak perkara yang mahu disampaikan dan dikongsi juga akan tersimpan begitu sahaja, dan ada juga yang hilang menjadi bualan masa silam yang entah bisa memberikan pahala atau dosa. Yang pasti, hari ini, dan ketika ini, tiada apa yang dapat dipelajari dari idea, bual bicara, dan pandangan masa lalu. Kalau ada, mana buktinya?

2) Ada... cuma bukan di sini. Platform muhasabah hari ini sudah semakin luas dan canggih. Cuma, keberkesanan log atau jurnal yang pelbagai pilihan pada hari ini juga berbeza-beza. Ada yang sifatnya seminggu-dua (Facebook), ada yang paling ringkas dengan sifatnya -'daily basis'(Twitter). Cara manual dengan menulis dalam buku jurnal menggunakan pena berdakwat adalah yang paling maujud dan kukuh sehingga boleh dibawa ke kamar penghakiman.

3) Yang penting, tulislah atas platform apa pun. Blogging lah; walaupun belum tentu dapat diberi komitmen atas apa sahaja kisah perkongsian, ia adalah pilihan yang rata-rata umat seluruh dunia boleh belek-belek setiap pengkisahan dan tetap ada selagi server blogspot masih ada. Pelajaran hari ini akan tetap kekal sebagai memori masa depan.

4) Sayang juga jika terlalu obses kepada 'social-networking' bersifat popular. Satu masa, semua sibuk dengan penangan Friendster, kemudian myspace, Facebook, dan Twitter. Setidak-tidaknya, sejarah membuktikan, blog masih kekal sebagai pilihan utama untuk perkongsian yang lebih mendalam maknanya. YAng penting, 'maintainance' supaya tidak menjadi 'rumah tinggal' yang tiada empunya.

Kini, kembali lagi...

Khamis, Februari 11, 2010


I want you to take a look at: Attitude 

see more in :-

it's all increase the motivation

Defining the Best

Defining the best


The criteria used to identify the 20 recently-announced High Performing Schools has been called into question.
HOW does one decide what makes a school the best in the country?
On the surface of it, the answer might seem simple: it is the school that produces the best academic results.
After all, isn’t education about producing knowledgeable youths who are able to contribute to the betterment of society?
And isn’t the best and fairest measure of such knowledge public exams set by a central governing authority?
Schools like SMK Convent Bukit Nanas, which have renowned alumni like Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz (left), were not among the 20 HPS announced recently. — File phot o
The answer, as educationists will tell you, is no.
Educating our young ones is far more than just stuffing academic knowledge into their brains.
It is, as anyone in the Education Ministry will say, about the holistic development of a person — holistic meaning the entire physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual package.
So, the best school in the country should be the one that is producing the very best all-rounded students.
To get back to the original question, how does one measure this type of achievement?
For the Education Ministry, they have condensed it down to six criteria:
  1. excellent academic achievement, 
  2. well-known alumni, 
  3. consistent participation in national and international-level competitions, 
  4. linkages with colleges and universities, 
  5. networks with other local and international schools, and 
  6. having been measured against national and international benchmarks.

These are the standards that have been set for the selection of High Performing Schools (HPS), which are part of the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) for education as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak last year.
Twenty schools have already been announced as the first batch of HPS(see graphic).
Thirty more are expected to announced next year and 50 by 2012, to make up a total of 100 in three years.
Criteria query
Residential secondary schools like Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah have the advantage over day schools in terms of high-achieving students as the best Year Six and Form Three students nationwide vie to get into these schools. — File photo
With an annual extra allocation of RM700,000 and more autonomy at stake for the school, not to mention individual financial rewards for staff members, it is not surprising that the concept and selection criteria for the HPS has come under close scrutiny.
In particular, the yardstick of having a track record of developing influential and successful individuals has been questioned.
Said United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong) deputy chairman Chow Siew Hon: “We wouldn’t know if any of the students will end up being a famous scientist or not when they grow up."
“All we can do is provide them with a solid foundation while in school, and help them maximise their potential.”
Another experienced educationist agreed, saying that the criterion did not consider late bloomers.
“Someone who didn’t do well in school might do well later on in life,” she said.
A current principal also pointed out the practical difficulty of keeping track of all their alumni.
“Some of our students go overseas and might be doing really well for themselves, but we wouldn’t know about them.”
Schools, Chow said, should see the ability to achieve the HPS status as a bonus, not as a target.
“It would be great if they could make it on the list or are able to produce successful alumni 20 years down the road.
“But I feel the primary role of schools should be to provide students with quality education that is student-centred,” he said.
He also cautioned against the idea of elitism, saying that parents would rush to enrol their children in those schools that have been selected as HPS.
“The intention of identifying the HP schools might have been good one.
“However, in my opinion, the plan might backfire and demotivate schools that did not make it on the list,” he said.
It has been reported that the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Hua Zong) had expressed its disappointment and puzzlement that no Chinese primary school was picked as one of the 20 HPS.
Why not us?
Its president Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah said the selection criteria raised doubts as several Chinese primary schools had done well in all aspects.
‘’Irrespective of hardware and software or in terms of academic and co-curricular activities, students of Chinese primary schools have done reasonably well in comparison with other schools,’’ he was quoted as saying.
Complaints that schools from East Malaysia and Pahang were left out have also been reported.
The fact that premier schools like St John’s Institution, Convent Bukit Nanas and Penang Free School, which seemingly fulfil the criteria for the HPS, have not made the list also raises a few eyebrows.
One educationist pointed out that residential schools had an advantage over other schools in terms of performing well.
Most schools do not have much of a choice over their student intake, whereas residential schools have their pick of the best Year Six and Form Three students every year.
This factor, she said, should be taken into consideration when evaluating a school’s performance.
Half of the 20 HPS are residential schools.
Many people also see similarities between the concepts of cluster schools and high performing schools as they both have similar objectives, that is to spur outstanding schools to achieve world-class standards and improving students’ learning outcomes.
Said the educationist: “I think there is no need for high performing schools as we already have cluster schools. If you are a cluster school, then that means you are already a high performing school.”
Cluster schools was one of the six key strategies under the ministry’s National Education Blueprint 2006-2010 launched by then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
According to the blueprint, around 300 cluster schools were to be identified and provided with increased autonomy, funding and training for school heads, in order to be a benchmark for other schools and equal to schools in developed nations.
So far, 120 cluster schools have been identified, 16 of which were also chosen as HPS.

Pelaksanaan dasar MBMMBI



KP(BSPSH-SPDK)201/005/01(      )
                                                                                             14 Januari 2010
Semua Pengarah Pelajaran,
Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri,
Y.Bhg. Datuk/Dato’/Datin/Tuan/Puan,


Mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri pada 8 Julai 2009 telah memansuhkan pelaksanaan Dasar Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) di sekolah-sekolah dan digantikan dengan Dasar Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia dan Memperkukuh Bahasa Inggeris (MBMMBI).
2.       Dalam melaksanakan dasar MBMMBI, pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris diperkukuh menerusi pendekatan yang lebih berkesan. Dengan pemansuhan dasar PPSMI, sekolah kebangsaan dan sekolah menengah hendaklah menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik, manakala di SJK(C) dan SJK(T) menggunakan bahasa pengantar masing-masing.
3.       Pada 5 Ogos 2009, Mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri telah memutuskan supaya dasar MBMMBI dilaksanakan secara berperingkat-peringkat mulai tahun 2010. Dalam proses peralihan ini, sekolah boleh menggunakan Bahasa Inggerisdan/atau bahasa pengantar masing-masing dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik. Ini bertujuan membantu guru dan murid menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan dasar berkenaan.
4.       Pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik semasa peralihan dasar PPSMI ke MBMMBI mulai tahun 2010 adalah seperti berikut:
Peringkat persekolahan
Mulai 2010
P&p Sains dan Matematik
boleh menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris.
P&p Sains dan Matematik
boleh  menggunakan
Bahasa Inggeris.
i)  P&p Sains dan MatematikTahun Satu di SK menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia.
ii) P&p Sains dan Matematik Tahun Satu di SJK(C) dan SJK(T) menggunakan bahasa pengantar masing-masing.
P&p Sains dan Matematik boleh
Bahasa Inggeris.
i)  P&p Sains dan MatematikTahun Empat di SK menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia dan/atau Bahasa Inggeris sehingga kohort tersebut tamat Tahun 6.
ii) P&p Sains dan Matematik Tahun Empat di SJK(C) dan SJK(T) menggunakan bahasa pengantar masing-masing dan/atau Bahasa Inggeris sehingga kohort tersebut tamat Tahun 6.
P&p Sains dan Matematik Tingkatan Satu dilaksanakan dalam
Bahasa Malaysia.
P&p Sains dan Matematik Tingkatan Empat boleh menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris dan/atau Bahasa Malaysia sehingga kohort tersebut tamat Tingkatan 5.
Sila rujuk kepada Lampiran 1 dan Lampiran 2 bagi jadual peralihan dasar PPSMI ke dasar MBMMBI.
5.       Pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik bagi Tingkatan Enam Rendah, Tingkatan Enam Atas danMatrikulasi diteruskan dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
6.       Penyediaan soalan-soalan peperiksaan awam bagi kelompok mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik semasa peralihan dasar adalah seperti yang berikut:
Jenis Peperiksaan
Penggunaan Bahasa pengantar
Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah(UPSR)
sehingga 2015
Penilaian Menengah Rendah(PMR)
sehingga 2013
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
sehingga 2015
7.       Sila maklumkan kandungan Surat Pekeliling Ikhtisas ini kepada pegawai yang bertanggungjawab di Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri, Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah, Pengetua dan Guru Besar di bawah pentadbiran Y. Bhg. Datuk/Dato’/Datin/Tuan/Puan.
Sekian. Terima kasih.
Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Malaysia

s.k.      1.         YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin bin Mohd Yassin
                        Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
            2.         YB Datuk Dr. Ir. Wee Ka Siong
                        Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
            3.         YB Dr. Mohd Puad bin Zarkashi
                        Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia
            4.         Ketua Setiausaha
                        Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
            5.         Timbalan-Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha
                        Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
            6.         Timbalan-Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Malaysia
                        Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
            7.         Ketua-Ketua Bahagian
                        Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
            8.         Penasihat Undang-Undang
                        Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
            9.         Pegawai Perhubungan Awam
                        Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia

Rabu, Februari 10, 2010

Ciri Guru berkesan dan tidak

Berikut adalah dapatan satu kajian mengenai persepsi murid terhadap guru. Marilah sama-sama kita bermuhasabah diri dan meletakkan kita didalam kelompok mana.

Ciri guru yang dianggap sebagai berkesan:

  1. Guru mengajar sangat jelas.
  2. Sangat tegas, betul, tidak lewat masuk.
  3. Rajin, mudah difahami.
  4. Mengajar bersungguh-sungguh.
  5. Berdisiplin, masuk awal, teknik pengajarannya berkesan dan hadir ke kelas tepat pada masanya.
  6. Murid belajar dengan gembira, tidak tertidur. Guru yang sangat baik dan prihatin, mereka tidak duduk atau baca buku.
  7. Suka buat lawak, tulisan guru terang, mengajar dengan penuh semangat ingin menolong.
  8. Memberi hukuman yang adil, seronok kerana dia mengajar cepat faham.
  9. Suka menyemak buku, tidak sombong.
  10. Kerana dia tidak malas, kalau orang tak reti membuat kerja, dia tunjukkan.

Faktor guru dinilai rendah

  1. Jarang masuk kelas, garang, malas dan mengajar sedikit.
  2. Tidak mengajar dengan betul.
  3. Selalu tak masuk kelas.
  4. Susah hendak faham.
  5. Sekali-sekala masuk kelas dan pelajaran kami ketinggalan.
  6. Kurang mengajar dan suka marah.
  7. Tidak PJK? (Perut jauh ke depan?)
  8. Guru garang suka luku kepala orang.
  9. Saya tidak suka cikgu yang lembut.
  10. Beri kerja rumah hari-hari sampai tak sempat nak buat.
  11. Menyuruh orang balik kalau orang itu tidak bawa buku.
  12. Tidak mengambil berat terhadap kami, mengajar kami tidak sempurna dan hidung tinggi.
  13. Malas mengajar, tidak menerangkan apa yang ditulis.
  14. Tidak pernah berbincang dalam Penulisan.
  15. Cikgu ini banyak memberikan kerja tetapi di dalam kelas dia hanya duduk sahaja dan tidak membincangkannya, dia selalu menengking kami.
  16. Mengajar tidak bersungguh-sungguh.
  17. Selalu tidak mengajar.
  18. Lewat masuk kelas.
  19. Pelajaran agama saya lemah kerana guru lambat masuk dan lambat mengajar.
  20. Pengajarannya amat lemah.
  21. Mereka duduk macam orang malas dan tengok mereka macam malas mengajar.
  22. Mengajar orang dia sampai tidur dan dia tidak gerakkan orang yang tidur cikgu biarkan sahaja.
  23. Suka masuk lambat.
  24. Kerana ia mengajar main-main.
  25. Mementingkan diri sendiri, dan dia tidak menulis di papan hitam.
  26. Selalu membuang masa.
  27. Tidak mengambil berat tentang murid, suka menyebelahi anak sendiri dan bercakap besar.
  28. Tidak mengajar, masuk kelas bagi kerja lepas itu duduk.
  29. Selalu masuk lambat, malas mengajar, membiarkan murid buat bising.
  30. Lebih banyak memberi latihan daripada mengajar.

1) Sumber kajian / dapatan tak pula diketahui... Yang penting, ciri-ciri yang negatif semuanya ada dalam faktor guru dinilai rendah. 
2) Ini adalah persepsi murid, bermakna mungkin membawa kepada kebenaran, mungkin juga tidak. Sekurang-kurangnya, faktor ini memberi banyak makna kepada harga dan nilai diri guru dari kaca mata murid.
3) Soalnya, di manakah kita?

A Very Touching Moment

schooldays memory

Arjun Singh and Pargat Singh are very close friends. The whole school talked about their friendship. They had been friends right from their kindergarten days. They have studied together, roamed around together, sat together in school, ate together.. They both wanted to become Police officials and serve the country.But today was a day they always dreaded. It was their last day together.

On their way back from School Arjun started talking

Arjun : Bro! I am moving to a different city to study. I will miss you man
Pargat: I will miss you too mate. But nothing can break our friendship. We will at least meet once every year.
Arjun: Yes that is a deal

and they parted with tears in their eyes...
As time went by, both got busy with their work life. They kept their promise for two years and after that they moved on with their own lives and in the process Arjun lost his contact with Pargat. Time went by and both became Police Officers.

Year: 2009

Venue: The Police station where Arjun works

Tring... Tring...

Arjun picks up the call and he gets a pleasant surprise...

"Is this Arjun?"
"Yes. Who is on the line?"
" Bro. Its Pargat! I just found out that you are posted in this station"

Tear drops welled up Arjun's eyes

Arjun: Where are you?
Pargat: I am standing outside the Police station. Come Out
Arjun: Is it? I am coming right away.

Arjun rushed out of the Police station and saw Pargat standing outside. They were seeing each other for the first time after thirty years. He wanted to go and hug his friend. But he could not hug his friend. It was a very touching moment for both of them:

1) It's very touching, indeed...

Isnin, Februari 08, 2010

Right Angle

In mathematics, Right angle = (Sudut Tegak) = 90 degree.

but, in photography, Right angle means taking photograph at right angle, at a right time.

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