Rabu, September 01, 2010

Civics; civil conduct, consciousness and duty

Dare to make the difference


Teachers tend to focus on the negative when confronted with an issue, but sometimes they just have to be innovative in finding a solution.
AS A teacher, the most important thing I must do is to connect with my students.To me, this connection between teacher and student is very important as it underlines the relationship I have with my students.
It is like the the wires of the TV — when you don’t connect them or when you connect them the wrong way, you will get neither the picture nor the reception.
This year, I was asked to teach Civics to several Form Three classes.
As part of the syllabus, the students were expected to do a community service project (projek khidmat masyarakat) for which they would be allocated 20% of their mid-year examination marks.
Since Civics is a non-examination subject, naturally there were students who pleaded with me to allow them to do their Living Skills homework, their Geography projects or Mathematics during the Civics period. One student even told me that I shouldn’t be wasting my time teaching the subject!
It all boils down to attitude of course. To him and his classmates, Civics was just a “filler” subject on the time table.
As the teacher assigned to teach them Civics, I knew that I would be held accountable.
It was my duty to make sure that they understood phrases like “civil conduct”, “civic duty” and “civic-consciousness”.
They began to realise the significance of these words only after I explained them. To be honest, given their attitude, I could have really taken it easy.
I could have asked my students to complete their homework during the Civics lesson and they in turn would have accepted my gift of time with two grateful hands.
However my personal challenge was to change their mindset about the subject. The community service project, for instance, had to be done.
I didn’t want my students to do a project just to fulfill an academic requirement. I wanted them to understand what they had to do and why. 

“In life, we have to serve and sometimes put the needs of others before our own,” I told them.
Civic duty
“Take teachers for example, since they work for the government, they are part of the civil service and therefore civil servants.”
“In our job as teachers, we have a civic duty to perform – the most important of which is to teach the children of this nation with responsibility and integrity.
“We have to be accountable for our actions as well.”
This was the way I taught Civics. I talked to them about local and world leaders, about the cultures of others, thinking skills, about hard work and the sacrifices they make, and about being aware of others who were less fortunate than us.
I talked about the importance of service, why it was necessary and what it could do for our souls, if we chose to serve well.
In the good classes, students quickly understood what was required of them and got cracking.
I explained the project clearly and I told them the format of the report that was expected of them.
In these classes, I even communicated the urgency of them finishing their projects as early as possible, so that they would have the rest of the year to focus on their examination subjects.
In the weak classes, it was entirely different. Not only were they apathetic towards the subject, they chose to disregard it openly.
They also had language problems and no writing skills.
How was I to expect them to understand what a community project was, show interest in it, and then write about the project paper using the proper format?
Community service
However, I found a way out. I decided to make them work on projects during school hours like cleaning up the school compound, helping at the library where they rearranged books, while some helped to sweep the surau (prayer room).
Once they were done, I used the small group teaching style.
With each group, I would probe and question ( a method known as the Flander’s method) until I knew they had understood what community service was, and why it was part of our civic responsibility.
By providing a guided writing format, I helped each group write out their report on the project.
Yes, the words were often mine and yes, they couldn’t spell many words. But I coached them until my mouth was dry. Their reports were brief but I was satisfied and so were they.
In my experience, teachers sometimes choose to focus on the negative when they are working with academically-challenged students.
“I can’t help this lot. They’re hopeless. They don’t want to learn. They can’t even read,” are some of the comments I have heard.
The truth is don’t blame your students if they are not able to perform up to your expectations.
Before you condemn them, talk to them and find out what their problems are. Are their problems related to learning or other issues?
Then, get creative and help them.
As the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca observed, “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”
Dare to listen to your students and you will dare to make the difference.


Pendekatan bersepadu dalam memberi didikan secara 'lively approach' (berasaskan kehidupan sebenar) adalah lebih relevan dan dekat dengan murid. Murid harus merasa mereka adalah sebahagian dalam masyarakat. Bentuk hubungan yang intim dalam konteks mendengar dan mengambil berat pengkisahan mereka. 

... kerana sekolah adalah tempat untuk memanusiakan manusia!

Sinar Ramadhan; Seorang Sekampit Beras

ABIM Selangor bersama ABIM Daerah Kuala Langat menganjurkan Sinar Ramadhan ; Sekampit Beras di Perkampungan Orang Asli Bukit Serdang , Kuala Langat. Program yang mendapat sokongan daripada Masjid Assobirin , Kampung Bukit Changgang turut di hadiri oleh Tn Hj Shamsuddin Misran , Ahli Majlis MDKL Zon 24. 

Dalam ucapan Nazir Masjid Assobirin Kampung Bukit Changgang, Ustaz Mohd Rasyid Kandam menyatakan ini adalah ziarah ukhuwah fillah antara Masjid Assobirin dan saudara kita di kampong ini. Sebagai Masjid yang paling hampir dengan perkampungan ini , beliau mengajak Tok Batin , En Salehuudin Abdullah dan anak buahnya bersama-sama menngimarahkan program-program yang dibuat di Masjid.

Kampung (orang asli) Bukit Serdang, Kuala Langat terletak bersebelahan Kampung Bukit Changgang. Terdapat seramai 17 keluarga saudara kita di sana. Pada majlis ini di sampaikan 17 kampit beras dan makanan iringan kepada saudara kita. Seorang penggerak orang asli telah ditempatkan oleh JAKIM iaitu Ustaz ridhwan untk membimbing saudara kita kea rah Islam yang syumul.

Dalam tazkirah ringkas Timbalan Yang Di Pertua ABIM Negeri Selangor merangkap YDP ABIM Kuala Langat Sdr Khairudin bin Abas mengingatkan bahawa ramadhan yang berbaki ini perlulah direbut sewajarnya dan semangat ukhuwah islamiyyah perlu terus diperkukuhkan lebih-lebih lagi dalam membimbing diri dan masyarakat ke arah yang lebih baik. Salah seorang saudara kita Pn Rohani Abdullah mengharapkan agar pihak ABIM dapat membantu saudara kita terutama anak-anak mereka dalam mempelajari ilmu agama seperti mengaji al-quran kerana kehidupan dan ekonomi yang tidak kukuh , pelajaran al-quran tidak dapat dipelajari dengan baik di sini.

Majlis tamat selepas berbuka puasa dan solat maghrib . Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua pihak terlibat terutama Persatuan Peniaga Tom Yam Bukit Changgang yang menaja Jamuan Berbuka Puasa.

Isnin, Ogos 30, 2010

Meaningful Learning; Geometry

Meaningful geometry


The way we teach and learn geometry has to change for it to have any use beyond merely passing exams.
The study of geometry is important, as it is recognised as a basic skill in mathematics – for several reasons.Geometric models are frequently used to help students understand basic mathematical concepts. The number line, for example, is helpful to illustrate various number concepts and operations.
Geometry is a foundation for study in such fields as physics, chemistry, biology, architecture, engineering, geology and astronomy. Geometric skills are also essential in art, design, graphics, animation, as well as in various aspects of construction work. 
It has important applications to real-life problems. Many practical experiences involve problem-solving situations that require an understanding of geometric concepts and skills, such as making frames, planning a garden and arranging a living room. In addition, Geometric concepts, such as points, line segments, curves and grids, are necessary for basic map reading skills.
Geometry allows development of spatial visualisation which is an extremely important skill for success in mathematics and the sciences.
It helps students to understand and appreciate the world they live in.
Recognition of geometry as a basic skill in mathematics has resulted in an increased emphasis on geometry in the revised mathematics curriculum by the Education Ministry.
Geometric concepts of two- and three-dimensional shapes are formally introduced as early as Year One.
Teacher-centred instructions are sadly, still being practised in a typical geometry lessons in our country. Mathematics teachers are generally inclined to use traditional whole-class teaching strategies and to dominate classroom interaction between students and teacher. Teachers still use the textbook and blackboard, give lectures to students, place emphasis on homework and usually show students how to solve geometry problems in the classroom.
Little opportunity is provided for students to think and reason about geometric ideas.
Perhaps the biggest blunder of all, which hangs like an axe over teachers’ heads, is teaching towards exams and this fear of making sure students make as few mistakes as possible, even during the learning phase. Educational psychologists know that making mistakes during exposure to new learning material is probably the best way to learn. But in Malaysia, we guide students and prevent early self-exploration. In the past two decades, there have been many recommendations put forth for improving teaching and learning of geometry in the mathematics education literature.
One recommendation is the need for mathematics teachers and researchers to develop phase-based instructional activities and implement those activities in the classroom setting
Most importanly, we need to stop teaching towards exams!

> Dr Chew is a senior lecturer at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Through this fortnightly column and the ENGAGE Programme – Education for Sustainable Global Futures – USM has started, he and his colleagues hope to help transform the landscapes of Malaysian schooling and higher education systems. 



Oleh: Hasri bin Harun
Kumpulan Pengajian Islam Malaysia ,UK & Eire ( MISG-ABIM)
(Mantan YDP ABIM Selangor)
(Sedikit petikan daripada artikel asal)

Syukur alhamdulillah dizahirkan pada tahun ini kita menyambut kemerdekaan ke-53 di dalam bulan mulia Ramadan al-Mubarak. Ramadan sememangnya menyubur jiwa merdeka sebenarnya dikalangan manusia. Kemerdekaan dalam erti yang sebenarnya wajar disemai supaya kita tidak hanya memahami konsep merdeka dalam perspektif yang terhad. Merdeka daripada penjajahan adalah hanya satu daripada elemen kemerdekaan dalam Islam, namun pelbagai takrifan dan penjelasan yang timbul apakah merdeka dan kemerdekaan yang menjadi inti dan asas yang seharusnya difahami secara menyeluruh. Jika kita membuka lembaran sejarah menurut perspektif yang sebenar maka kemerdekaan ini adalah suatu topik yang cukup luas untuk dibentangkan. Justeru kita bersyukur kerana berada didalam suasana keislaman. Moga Ramadan ini sedikit sebanyak membuka bibit kefahaman untuk menelusuri erti merdeka yang sebenarnya. Maka ianya secara jelas bahawa merdeka yang kita sambut ini tidak haya akan dijiwai sekadar satu sambutan fizikal tetapi lebih menyeluruh adalah satu tuntutan keagamaan, sosial dan kenegaraan. Persoalan yang sering timbul adalah bagaimana kita hendak melihat generasi baru hari ini menghayati erti merdeka jika mereka tidak disemai dengaj jiwa kerohanian dan keagamaan . Lantaran kita lihat mereka hanya melaungkan merdeka tetapi jika diselidik kesedaran dan kefahaman adalah jauh daripada inti dan asas merdeka yang sepatutnya menjadi teras dalam jiwa dan sanubari.

Ramadan adalah bulan taqwa. Didalam bulan inilah Allah SWT menjanjikan pelbagai rahmat dan keampunan kepada hambanya yang benar-benar meyakini akan keesaanNya disamping melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab melakukan ibadah kepada nya. Apakah hubungan taqwa dalam konteks Ramadan dalam menghayati merdeka dan kemerdekaan. Taqwa bermaksud menjaga dan memelihara diri dari siksa dan murka Allah Ta’ala dengan jalan melaksanakan perintah-perintahNya, taat kepadaNya dan menjauhi larangan-laranganNya serta menjauhi perbuatan maksiat manakala Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah menjelaskan hakikat taqwa dalam riwayat imam Bukhari dari Abdullah ibn Abbas dengan sabda baginda “Mentaati Allah dan tidak mengingkari perintahNya, sentiasa mengingati Allah dan tidak melupainya, bersyukur kepadaNya dan tidak mengkufuri nikmatNya”. Bagaimana kita hendak menyubur semangat taqwa dalam diri generasi baru hari ini agar makna merdeka yang mereka fahami tidak tersasar. Taqwa itu maknanya mentaati perintah Allah. Mari kita lihat apakah kita mendidik generasi kita mentaati perintah Allah? Dalam suasana hari ini betapa banyak kes-kes buang bayi berlaku. Ancaman demi ancaman yang menjadi serangan dalam masyarakat telah membangkitkan kesedaran bahawa perlunya proses islah dikalangan generasi muda bagi menjauhi amalan zina. Justeru amalan zina yang kita lihat ini haruslah bermula dengan kefahaman Ilmu, mengurangkan pergaulan bebas dikalangan generasi muda lelaki dan wanita. Ia juga difahami dalam konteks ruh islami iaitu mencegah daripada berlakunya perkara yang tidak diingini. Apakah kita benar-benar mentaati perintah Allah jika kita yakin untuk memerdekakan diri kita atau sebaliknya. Jika kesedaraan agama ini diabaikan, perintah Allah ini sekadar dipinggiran mana mungkin kefahaman merdeka sebenarnya akan berlaku dalam jiwa. Anjurlah berpuluh-puluh program kemerdekaan jika ianya disalut dengan amalan yang tidak berteraskan agama dan kerohanian, merdeka yang ditanam tersebut hanya kulit sahaja. Firman Allah dalam surah al-Maidah ayat 92 yang bermaksud:

“Dan taatlah kamu kepada Allah serta taatlah kepada Rasul Allah, dan awaslah (janganlah sampai menyalahi perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya). Oleh itu jika kamu berpaling (enggan menurut apa yang diperintahkan itu), maka ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya kewajipan Rasul Kami hanyalah menyampaikan (perintah-perintah) dengan jelas nyata.”

Kita selalu diingatkan supaya mensyukuri nikmat kemerdekaan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin besar. Persoalan sekarang bagaimana kita hendak menzahirkan kesyukuran tersebut agar ianya benar-benar memberi kesan dalam jiwa generasi muda hari ini? Mari kita renung firman Allah dalam surah al-hajj ayat 41 sebagai manifestasi menyubur ruh Ramadan dan mensyukuri nikmat merdeka : ”orang-orang yang jika kami teguhkan kedudukan mereka di muka bumi niscaya mereka mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, menyuruh berbuat ma’ruf dan mencegah dari perbuatan yang mungkar; dan kepada Allah-lah kembali segala urusan.”

Pertama: mendirikan solat adalah satu tuntutan agama yang menjadi teras mensyukuri nikmat merdeka. Jika generasi muda tidak mendirikan solat bererti mereka tidak mempunyai ruh untuk meyakini akan semangat merdeka secara menyeluruh. Maka kempen solat dan mengimarah masjid-masjid adalah perlu digerakkan supaya mereka melaksanakan solat . Ianya mesti diperkasa moga generasi ditanam semangat dan ruh solat agar mereka meyakini akan kesyukuran merdeka. Bagaimana mereka hendak bersyukur dengan kemerdekaan jika amalan wajib seperti solat ini diabaikan. 

Kedua, elemen menunaikan zakat adalah juga perkara yang harus menjadi amalan dikalangan generasi muda jika mereka hendak mensyukuri nikmat merdeka. Menunaikan zakat ertinya mengeluarkan harta untuk membantu orang lain. Ianya bererti Islam melatih generasi muda supaya menerap semangat patuh kepada perintah Allah dengan membantu orang lain atas kejayaan hasil daripada harta kita. Perkongsian inilah menjadi teras kesyukuran nikmat mereka. Jika generasi dilatih bersikap individualisitik,mencari kekayaan untuk diri dan keluarga semata-mata mana mungkin usaha membantu orang lain dalam Negara yang merdeka dapat dilakukan maka akan meningkatnya kemiskinan dan kadar kemiskinan juga pastinya bertambah. 

Ketiga, melebarluaskan elemen amar makruf nahi mungkar. Inilah juga satu usaha bersepadu untuk generasi mengangkasakan harapan mereka kepada Negara supaya gejala sosial dapat dibanteras. Jika generasi muda sambil lewa, tidak mengambil berat soal akhlak, sosial , terjebah dengan gejala yang bercanggah dengan islam, ingkar dengan perintah agama daripada melakukan perkara-perkara yang ditegah, tidak menggalakan orang lain melakukan dakwah dan sebagainya mana mungkin kesyukuran itu mampu diletak dipersada. Melatakan amar makruf nahi mungkar adalah satu usaha bersepadu yang digembeling dalam bulan Ramadan harus diperkara dan digerakkan bahkan jika dapat dijadikan agenda perdana maka inilah salah satu usaha mendidik umat agar memahami akan tanggungjawab cintakan Negara. Amar makruf nahi mungkar sebenarnya menanam jiwa kasihkan bangsa, tanahair serta tidak mahu melihat Negara terjerumus dengan gejala yang tidak baik. Bila generasi terdidik dengan semangat amar makruf nahi mungkar maka inilah juga satu langkah menanam semangat merdeka, cintakan Negara dan tidak mahu melihat segala kebaikan yang subur di negara dinoda oleh ancaman yang tidak baik.

(Sumber : http://abimselangor.blogspot.com/ )



I rest my  case!

Ahad, Ogos 29, 2010

Fatwa semasa berkaitan Masjid

Hukum Pelancong Bukan Islam Memasuki Masjid Dan Ruang Solat Utama Di Dalam Masjid

Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-90 yang bersidang pada 1 Mac 2010 telah membincangkan Hukum Pelancong Bukan Islam Memasuki Masjid Dan Ruang Solat Utama Di Dalam Masjid. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa pelancong bukan Islam diharuskan memasuki masjid dan ruang solat dengan syarat mendapat keizinan pihak pengurusan masjid dan perlakuan serta tingkah laku mereka tidak mencemarkan kesucian masjid dan sentiasa terkawal dan beradab. 

Walau bagaimanapun, perbuatan berdoa atau bertafakur oleh pelancong bukan Islam mengikut cara agama mereka dalam keadaan yang boleh menimbulkan fitnah adalah dilarang.
  1. Dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan ibadah, sensitiviti umat Islam sangat tinggi dan nilai-nilai ta'abbudi amat dititikberatkan oleh masyarakat Islam.
  2. Umat Islam dibenarkan melakukan ibadah sembahyang walaupun di dalam gereja kerana Saidina Umar al-Khattab pernah melakukannya. Umat Islam perlu bersikap tasamuh dan tidak terlalu rigid dalam membenarkan orang bukan Islam mendekati masjid.
  3. Keindahan Islam boleh ditunjukkan kepada orang bukan Islam melalui lawatan mereka ke masjid-masjid selaras dengan peraturan dan garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pengurusan masjid.
  4. Sikap membenarkan orang bukan Islam memasuki masjid tidak boleh disamakan dengan sikap tidak membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh Kristian kerana konsepnya adalah berbeza.

Wanita Haid Memasuki Masjid Untuk Tujuan Pembelajaran Semata-Mata

Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-49 yang bersidang pada 19 Sep 2000 telah membincangkan Wanita Haid Memasuki Masjid Untuk Tujuan Pembelajaran Semata-Mata. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa perempuan yang dalam keadaan haid haram berada/duduk di dalam masjid walaupun untuk tujuan pembelajaran dan program-program keagamaan.

(Sumber:  http://www.e-fatwa.gov.my/fatwa-kebangsaan/)



1) Setiap kali ada sesuatu isu yang tidak pasti fiqh pengamalannya, kembali dan  rujuk kepada Pakarnya. Dalam konteks Malaysia, terdapat  badan rasmi yang mengeluarkan fatwa dan hukum tertentu dalam perkara-perkara yang telah dipersetujui bersama melalui muzakarah yang bukan kepalang antara mufti-mufti setiap negeri. Hak negeri dan hak persekutuan harus difahami dengan jelas supaya diri sendiri tidak terikut-ikut dengan rentak media yang fokusnya adalah kepada populariti. Hidup dalam ber'hukum' tidak harus bersifat ikut-ikutan dan berteras kepada populariti. Yang Hak, tetap Hak. Yang batil, tetap batil.

2) Orang kebanyakkan pula (seperti kita) harus juga membudayakan sikap yang berteraskan Ilmu pengetahuan dengan membanyakkan membaca. Selain itu, kita digalakkan untuk mengkaji dan menyatakan kebenaran walaupun berada di pihak yang minoriti. Ini bermakna, kita harus bersedia menghadapi ancaman, pulauan, kata keji nista di belakang, dan segala macam cubaan untuk menidakkan kebenaran. Namun, percaya dan yakin pada janji Tuhan. Jika kita menolong agama Tuhan, Tuhan akan pasti menolong kita; dan Tuhan tidak pernah memungkiri janjiNya.

Jumaat, Ogos 27, 2010

Parents, do you know what these text means?

'A huge disconnect'

"There's a huge disconnect between parents and kids," says Wasden, who makes presentations to parents and teens about how to communicate safely online. "For parents, there is a mystique about technology, but texting is the standard way [teens] communicate with one another."

To demystify electronic communications among teens, Wasden suggests keeping an eye on your child's texts and online communications, whether it's via instant messages or Facebook.
You'll be in good company if you do. According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 64 percent of parents look at the contents of their child's cell phone.
This may seem overbearing, but remember: Looking at what your child says online could keep your child out of a dangerous situation.

"I'm the parent," Wasden says. "If I have to choose between having my child upset with me or having them be victimized, I'm going to chose for them to be upset with me every time."
Of course, it doesn't help to read what they write if you can't understand it.

"There's a broad range of terms that even vigilantly monitoring parents may not recognize," says Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "Kids are developing their own language and don't want anyone to know what it is."

If you see terms that are unfamiliar to you, go to one of several translators and dictionaries that help parents decipher the terms that teens use in chat rooms, text messages and instant messaging boards.

You can find teen lingo translators from the state of Idaho, noslang.com, teenchatdecoder.com, netsmartz411.org and 1337Talk.com.

Groups such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Parents. The Anti-Drug, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and the Office of National Drug Control Policy have lists of street terms and slang, including those specific to drug or sexual activity.

Once you get the hang of the language, you can try your hand at translating a real message found by Susan Shankle and Barbara Melton, co-authors of the book "What in the World Are Your Kids Doing Online?"

The message reads:
"1 w45 50 j4ck3d up |457 n16h7. 1 5c0r3d 50m3 cr4ck 47 7h3 p4r7y 50 1'd h4v3 17 f0r 70n16h7 4nd 70m0rr0w, 4nd 7h3n J1mmy 700k 0ff w17h 17, 7h3 455h0|3! 1 4m 4|| j1773ry 4nd n33d 70 m337 up w17h y0u 70n16h7 4f73r my p4r3n75 7h1nk 1 4m 45|33p. c4n y0u m337 m3 47 b0j4n6|3'5 47 m1dn16h7 ju57 f0r 4 f3w m1nu735? 1 ju57 n33d 4 |177|3 4nd 1 c4n p4y y0u b4ck 0n m0nd4y, 1 pr0m153."

"I was so jacked up last night. I scored some crack at the party so I'd have it for tonight and tomorrow, and then Jimmy took off with it, the [expletive]! I am all jittery and need to meet up with you tonight after my parents think i am asleep. Can you meet me at Bojangle's at midnight just for a few minutes? I just need a little and I can pay you back on Monday, I promise."

CNN's Sabriya Rice contributed to this report.

(Source : http://edition.cnn.com/)

Khamis, Ogos 26, 2010

Radical new tyre ; the Tweel

Subject: Radical new tyre design by Michelin

Made in South Carolina, USA 


Radical new tyre design by Michelin.
The next generation of tyres. 
Recently released at the Philadelphia car show.

Michelin Tweel 1

Those are spokeslike connections to the inner part of the tyre from the outside tread 'wrap'! Next picture shows what they look like in motion...

Michelin Tweel 2

Michelin Tweel 3

Michelin Tweel 4

These tyres are airless. They are scheduled to be on the market soon. Bad news for law enforcement as spike strips will not work on these. 

Think of the impact on existing technology: 
A. No more air valves
B. No more air compressors
C. No more flat tyres
D. No more puncture repairs
E. No more jacks or spares required. 

These are actual pictures taken in the South Carolina plant of Michelin. 

(Source : http://www.hoax-slayer.com/see-through-tyres.shtml)


Historically Significant
"Major revolutions in mobility may come along only once in a hundred years," said Terry Gettys, president of Michelin Americas Research and Development Center in Greenville, S.C. "But a new century has dawned and Tweel has proven its potential to transform mobility. Tweel enables us to reach levels of performance that quite simply aren't possible with today's conventional pneumatic technology."
The most intriguing application may be Michelin's early prototype Tweel fitment for passenger cars. The mobility company released video of promising Tweel performance on an Audi A4.
"The Tweel automotive application, as demonstrated on the Audi, is definitely a concept, a stretch application with strong future potential," said Gettys.
"Our concentration is to enter the market with lower-speed, lower-weight Tweel applications. What we learn from our early successes will be applied to Tweel fitments for passenger cars and beyond."
Benefits of the Tweel
The heart of Tweel innovation is its deceptively simple looking hub and spoke design that replaces the need for air pressure while delivering performance previously only available from pneumatic tires.
The flexible spokes are fused with a flexible wheel that deforms to absorb shock and rebound with ease. Without the air needed by conventional tires, Tweel still delivers pneumatic-like performance in weight-carrying capacity, ride comfort, and the ability to "envelope" road hazards.
Michelin has also found that it can tune Tweel performances independently of each other, which is a significant change from conventional tires. This means that vertical stiffness (which primarily affects ride comfort) and lateral stiffness (which affects handling and cornering) can both be optimised, pushing the performance envelope in these applications and enabling new performances not possible for current inflated tires.
The Tweel prototype, demonstrated on the Audi A4, is within five percent of the rolling resistance and mass levels of current pneumatic tires. That translates to within one percent of the fuel economy of the OE fitment.
Additionally, Michelin has increased the lateral stiffness by a factor of five, making the prototype unusually responsive in its handling.
Future of Tweel Technology
For Michelin, Tweel is a long-term vision that represents the next step in a long path of industry-changing innovations. Fifty years ago, Michelin invented the radial tyre and there is no question that radial tyre technology will continue as the standard for a long time to come. Michelin continues to advance the performance of the radial tyre in areas such as rolling resistance, wear life and grip.
In the short-term, the lessons learned from Tweel research are being applied to improve those conventional tyre performances. In the future, Tweel may reinvent the way that vehicles move. Checking tyre pressure, fixing flats, highway blow-outs and balancing between traction and comfort could all fade into memory.

Brief Analysis
Such tyres do exist and have been dubbed "tweels". However, they are not new and Michelin has no immediate plans to release the tyres to consumers for use on normal vehicles. Development of the tyres over the last few years has focused on their suitability for use on low speed applications such as construction vehicles. Certainly, tyres based on the tweel concept may one day replace conventional tyres, but any such change is likely to be some years away

Rabu, Ogos 25, 2010

Embrace change to succeed

Sunday August 22, 2010

Embrace change to succeed

PROGRESS in the country’s education system as mapped out by the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) can be achieved only if educationists are willing to embrace and adapt to change.

(The Education NKRA is the platform and initiative to improve the students performance in schools apart from providing them with the access to better education quality.)

Education Deputy Director-General (Educational Operations Sector) Datuk Noor Rezan Bapoo Hashim said educationists must be willing to deal with issues and the various challenges ahead to ensure that all plans mapped under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) are a succcess.

Noor Rezan says that while teachers should rely on their knowledge and expertise they should not dismiss other educational tools.Teachers should make make it a point to upgrade their skills especially in today’s digital era where changes are taking place at a rapid rate.
New approach

The methods of teaching before were with textbooks and the blackboard, but the methods of educating children these days are through various technological tools which is why teachers have to be adept at using them. she added.

Teachers must make an effort to learn how to use the computer as their students are ‘savvy’ at using the machines, she said. As educators, teachers must be prepared to adapt as the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) helps them improve classroom teaching, added Noor Rezan.

They (teachers) must be open-minded and be aware that children of today are more Internet savvy and are not so receptive to taking down notes from the blackboard.

Teachers who only rely on textbooks will not be able to move up, or keep abreast of new developments, she said. She also called on the teachers to focus on improving their students’ performance as it will improve their respective school’s standing, which in turn will enable the school to achieve the High Performance School (SBT) status.

Securing such credentials were necessary as they were in line with the country’s effort in achieving developed status by the year 2020. Noor Rezan said the ministry’s objective was to have another 30 schools with SBT status next year apart from the existing 20 schools with similar status.The 20 schools include 14 secondary schools and six primary schools. Ten of the secondary schools are boarding schools while the rest are day schools.

Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is also the Deputy Prime Minister had said earlier that based on the ministry’s Key Performance Index (KPI), there would be 50 such schools by 2012. On incentives for headmasters and teachers, Noor Rezan said it was to help them achieve better performance for their schools.

“The success of a school does not only depend on its teachers, but from the support of its students’ parents.Teachers who are committed in dispensing their tasks will be rewarded with incentives.”

Apart from the Outstanding Teacher Award, there are also awards for innovative teachers together with incentives in the form of promotions and scholarships for exemplary teachers.

On the Literacy and Numeracy (Linus) programme, Noor Rezan said the programme is geared towards ensuring that all Malaysian children without learning disabilities, are able to read and write Bahasa Malaysia and do basic mathematics by Year Four.

Beginning this year, all Year One pupils will be screened three times a year — in March, June and September — to identify those who do not meet the required reading, writing and counting standards.

The ministry has already set aside an allocation of RM400 mil for the programme for 2010 to 2012. “So far we have trained 15,500 facilitators and rehabilitation teachers for the programme,” she added. — Bernama

(Source : http://thestar.com.my/education/ )

Jumaat, Ogos 20, 2010

Penilaian Prestasi Pegawai Awam

Bagaimana menilai Prestasi Pegawai Perkhidmatan Awam?
Surat Pekeliling Perkhidmatan bil.2 tahun 2009

--> contoh SKT disediakan pada Lampiran B
--> contoh pemberian markah untuk Sumbangan Luar pada Lampiran C

Apakah dasar atau peraturan semasa yang boleh dirujuk berkaitan pengurusan prestasi?
Dasar atau peraturan yang boleh dirujuk berkaitan pengurusan prestasi adalah seperti berikut:
  1. P.U.(A) 176 / 2005 – Peraturan-Peraturan Kenaikan Pangkat Perkhidmatan Awam 1986;
  2. Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 4 Tahun 2002 – Pelaksanaan Sistem Saraan Malaysia Bagi Anggota Perkhidmatan Awam Persekutuan – Lampiran A;
  3. Surat Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 5 Tahun 2005 – Pemantapan Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan; dan
  4. Surat Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 2 Tahun 2009 – Pemantapan Pengurusan Sistem Penilaian Prestasi Pegawai Perkhidmatan Awam
Apakah syarat untuk layak dipertimbangkan anjakan gaji?
Berdasarkan Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 4 Tahun 2002, syarat untuk pegawai dipertimbangkan anjakan gaji pertama adalah seperti berikut:
  • Disahkan dalam perkhidmatan;
  • Lulus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan pada Aras IV;
  • Berkhidmat tidak kurang 3 tahun;
  • Mencapai tahap prestasi yang baik iaitu LNPT 80 peratus dan ke atas bagi tiga tahun berturut-turut; dan
  • Diperakukan oleh Ketua Jabatan.
Manakala syarat untuk pegawai dipertimbangkan anjakan gaji kedua adalah seperti berikut:
  • Lulus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan pada aras IV;
  • Telah memperolehi anjakan gaji pertama tidak kurang daripada satu tahun;
  • Mencapai tahap prestasi yang baik iaitu LNPT 80 peratus dan ke atas bagi tiga tahun berturut-turut; dan
  • Diperakukan oleh Ketua Jabatan.
Apakah dasar atau syarat pemberian Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC)?
Mengikut Pekeliling Kemajuan Pentadbiran Awam (PKPA) Bil. 2 Tahun 2002, syarat pemberian APC kepada seseorang pegawai adalah seperti berikut:
  • Genap setahun berkhidmat pada hari terakhir tahun penilaian;
  • LNPT 85% dan lebih layak dipertimbangkan; dan
  • Mengambil kira kegiatan dan sumbangan pegawai.
Apakah prinsip utama dalam melaksanakan penilaian prestasi?
Mengikut Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 4 Tahun 2002, prinsip utama dalam melaksanakan penilaian prestasi adalah seperti berikut:
  • Pelaksanaan penilaian prestasi secara objektif, adil dan telus;
  • Berasaskan kepada mutu penghasilan kerja dan tingkah laku PYD ke arah pencapaian objektif organisasi; dan
  • Menggalakkan persaingan positif bagi meningkatkan kualiti dan produktiviti.
Bolehkah PPSM meminda markah pegawai?
Jika terdapat keraguan dan mempunyai asas yang kukuh, PPSM boleh mengubah suai dan menyelaras semula markah.


Fikrah :-

1) Membuat penilaian manusia yang subjektif sifatnya secara objektif, pasti memberikan pelbagai persoalan, dan isu-isu berbangkit serta ketidakpuashatian. Namun, itu adalah cabaran sebagai pemimpin. Lagi-lagi, apabila suatu penilaian itu melibatkan perkembangan kerjaya, peningkatan gaji, dan rekod sepanjang perkhidmatan.Persoalan keikhlasan, itu pengkisahan lain. Itu, antara dirinya dan Tuhannya. Ini persoalan dirinya dengan tuannya. Dalam soal ini, ketertiban dalam menjalani tugasan penilaian harus berteraskan daya integriti yang tinggi dan terpuji, tanpa terpengaruh dengan emosi dan amarah. Fakta dan bukannya auta! Dokumentasi dan bukannya Duitkopikasi. Perhatikan supaya tidak melakukan yang ini:

a) memberi pertimbangan di luar tahun semasa, --> Nilai apa dicapai tahun semasa 
b) berasaskan hubungan intim orang itu dengan majikan dan --> Tiada kena-mengena; Bukan sekadar persepsi ini perlu dijauhi, malah ia perlu dilihatkan dijauhi.
c) berasaskan dokumentasi yang bertaip? --> Nilai apa yang disuratkan, bukan bagaimana cara ia disuratkan
d) menggilirkan dan merancang siapa yang cemerlang? --> Setiap penilaian tidak harus dilihat seperti terancang sifatnya. Apabila Orang luar lihat sebegitu, maka, nilai APC sudah lagi tidak dihormati secara profesionalnya. 

2) Meneliti dan memahami persoalan ini, tidak bermakna mencabar keputusan yang dibuat oleh Pegawai Penilai. Sekadar berkongsi maklumat yang seharusnya diketahui oleh kesemua penjawat awam akan hak mereka, dalam konteks tahu di mana kelemahan dan kekuatan diri masing-masing. Malah, ini adalah hak pelanggan. Kalau guru, pelanggannya adalah murid, ibubapa, dan masyarakat. Bukankah idea keseluruhannya adalah untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerja? Kalau sudah tahu, tapi tidak melakukan apa-apa, itu namanya ibarat pohon yang tidak berbuah. Sia-sialah... Kalau belum tahu, kenalah ambil tahu. Yang penting, Pegawai harus mengetahui:-

a) kenapa beliau mendapat penilaian begitu? dan
b) bagaimana untuk meningkatkan lagi pencapaian pada tahun akan datang?

3) Lantaran, entri ini ditulis untuk tatapan dan renungan bersama PYD, PPP, dan PPK... Menilai manusia tidak seharusnya bersifat copy n paste, tidak juga bersifat ikut tradisi, mahupun senioriti. Kuasa yang ada di tangan tidak harus disalah-guna, walau orang yang dinilai tidak tahu dan baca pun maklumat ini. Usah dimain-mainkan kesungguhan orang lain bekerja. Setiap yang bernyawa, pasti punya perasaan. Rasa bersyukur, rendah diri dan menerima seadanya dengan penilaian yang diberi jangan pula diambil mudah oleh Penilai untuk menilai dengan sembrono dan seadanya. Semua maklum, isu ini akan sentiasa bermain pada setiap tahun. Bukan mudah hendak membuat keputusan yang tepat. Maka, beristikharahlah, dan berserahlah kepada yang Esa, setelah kita melakukan tanggung-jawab dengan baik. Selebihnya, kita serahkan kembali kepada Yang Esa. 

Siapa kata senang jadi pemimpin?

(entri sempena Penganugerahan APC  2010)
(Tahniah kepada penerima dan semoga teruskan kecemerlangan)

Ahad, Ogos 15, 2010


By : Maher Zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That you are so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray

"OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way 2x"

Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah we`ll find the way


Fikrah :-

1) Benar sekali... anjuran untuk tidak berputus asa adalah suatu yang sangat penting sebagai orang yang mengaku beriman dan bertaqwa. Senjata orang Islam adalah doa. Gunakanlah setiap saat, dan setiap ketika.

2) Bukankah Allah ada di mana-mana, dan memerhati setiap tingkah laku kita. Tiada apa yang terlepas dari pandanganNya. Usah bimbang untuk buat kebaikan, dan mencegah kemungkaran. Yang penting, sentiasalah mohon petunjuk daripada Illahi agar kita diberikan hidayah dan petunjuk untuk melakukan dan bertindak dengan betul serta menepati syariatnya. Sesungguhnya, janji Tuhan adalah pasti! Kita membantu agamaNya, nescaya Allah akan membantu kita, malah bantuan yang tidak disangka-sangka, dan jauh lebih baik daripada apa yang kita minta. Bersangka baik dengan Allah taala, kerana Dia maha pengasih, penyanyang dan maha Mendengar segala apa yang ada di dalam hati nurani kita, walaupun kita tidak meluahkannya.