Jumaat, Jun 05, 2009

ABIM Islamic Outreach in Malaysiakini

1) ABIM Islamic Outreach is one of the core business in ABIM, as it maintains their relevancy in Dakwah Body in Malaysia; especially from youth (Belia) .
2) Thank You- Malaysiakini; Media and masses seems not aware of this team in Malaysia. This kind of publicity is vital for increasing awareness of dakwah participation from public.
3) NGO voices are from the roots of people. IT can go further when government recognise and give more fundings.



Islamic Outreach-ABIM was first established in 1987 with a mission to spread the blessing of Allah SWT to all mankind. IOA’s approach to da’wah, is by propagating Islam as a complete way of life based on the teachings as written in the Quran.

Throughout almost twenty years of its existence, IOA has facilitated the conversion of over 1,000 new ‘reverts’. (Revert is the Islamic reference to converts to Islam as it is believed that everyone was born Muslim and that family or environment turned them to other religions).

85% of the ‘reverts’ are 25 years old and above, and 64% are foreigners. IOA also receives converts from the Religious Department, PERKIM and other similar organizations for attendance in religious classes, pre-marital courses and other relevant programs conducted daily, weekly, and monthly by the organisation.

An estimated 5,000 converts have attended classes and programs organized by IOA.

Since its formation, IOA has developed its own niche in da'wah products as reflected in the programmes it conducts such as Converts Development Programme, Orang Asli Socio-economic Development Project, Inter-faith And Inter-civilization Programmes and Mosque Tour Guide Programme.

Malaysiakini speaks to IOA President Azril Mohd Amin on the organization's da'wah mission.

Camera: Azreen Madzlan
Editor: Lydia Azizan
Producers: Lydia Azizan & Azreen Madzlan


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